Pinky is having an interrogation session with Abitha.

Amanda: (Fakes a wide smile) Welcome back Abitha!

Abitha: I don’t feel very welcomed into this dumbster of a Police Station.

Amanda: I see you have increased your level of jokes and mocking.

Abitha: Detective, I have somewhere to go, I have places to be.

Amanda: Dont worry.. I will be jiffy.

Abitha: Where is that other useless friend of yours.

Amanda: He is my colleague, and he is on leave.

Abitha: Why? Is he sick.

Amanda: None of your business. But his wife is pregnant.

Abitha: Fetsa taba tsao, I want to go.

Amanda: Does the name Pinky Potgeiter sound familiar.

Abitha: (opens her eyes, wide in shock) What is happening with her?

Amanda: The very same sit you are sitting in right now. She also sat there.

Abitha: No. (laughs uncomfortably) You are lying. You trying to scare me.

Amanda: Apparently, Your name is Or rather your nickname is Sbitha. Care to explain where you got that Nickname from?

Abitha: (bangs the table) Detective.. Why are you calling me here, taking up my time. You want me to care about your shit of a job.

Amanda: (laughing) Why fighting?

Abitha: I’m not fighting, I am pissed with you. I’m up to my neck with you.

Amanda: First of all. This is not shit. This is a crime and Robbery investigation. And second of all you are a suspect.

Abitha: Mxm.. Finish whatever you are doing, I want to go.

Amanda: Pinky says it’s you who tampered with the CCTV Cable.

Abitha: (Stands Up and bangs the table) She is lying! I never did that.

Amanda: She says it was you who planned the Robbery.

Abitha: Detective… She is lying through her teeth. I never did that. I would never.

Amanda: Then who did?

Abitha: It was Maharaj!

Amanda: Maharaj?

Abitha: (breathes heavily)

Amanda: Talk to me!

Abitha: Yes. It was Maharaj.

Amanda: Who is Maharaj?

Abitha: My Step Son!

Amanda: (smirks widely) Now we getting somewhere.

Abitha: (grabs her bag) I think I told you enough.

Amanda: No.. We still going to continue.

Abitha: Continue What Detective?

Amanda: (folds her arms) I want us to talk. Woman to Woman!

Abitha: ‘Woman to Woman’ you say.

Amanda: Yes.

Abitha: (laughs) I’m sure you think I’m A fool. Heh?

Amanda: No.

Abitha: My Job here is done! (walks to the door)

Amanda: Stop!

Abitha: (Pauses)

Amanda: Its not over until the fat lady sings. Your work here… Is not done just yet!

Abitha: Meaning?

Amanda: Tell me about the old brothel days?

Abitha: (Gasps) Who.. Who told you that?

Amanda: Pinky!

Abitha: (sobs, and kneels down on the floor in disbelief) Detective..

Amanda: Are you OK?

Abitha: (Sobs) Detective..

Amanda: What?

Abitha: Did she really tell you?

Amanda: Yes. I want you to fill me in, how were your infamous days of the day like?

Abitha: (Stands Up) I’m not having this conversation, and definitely with you! (Walks away).

Amanda: Now it’s time for action! (laughs)