EPISODE 3 – Get away with murder, Get away with with everything.
At the Police station, 11: 07 pm. Detective Van Der Kerk is interrogating Pinky in a dark room.
Pinky: Because I’m Scared!
Van Der Kerk: What are you scared of?
Pinky: (Sits back down on the chair) George!
Van Der Kerk: Why are you exactly afraid of George!
Pinky: (Crying)
Van Der Kerk: Speak!
Pinky: He is… So evil!
Van Der Kerk: How evil?
Pinky: (Crying) Please just switch on the lights.
Van Der Kerk: I thought we were over that dialogue scene.
Pinky: (Crying) Please, I can’t!
Van Der Kerk: Not until you tell me. Not until you tell me everything.
Pinky: I will tell you tommorow!
Van Der Kerk: No No No. That is not how it works. You tell me everything now. Tommorow, the platform goes to Joyce.
Pinky: (Sobs) Joyce?
Van Der Kerk: And I don’t think she will think twice to throw you under the bus!
Pinky : (Sobs) You want the truth?
Van Der Kerk: Yes, I want to know what happened at the Salon, the fateful day, your fiance or husband whatever you were, died! And don’t tell me the Robbery gone wrong rubbish, I have already read that script.
Pinky: (Folds her arms) You want the truth?
Van Der Kerk: You give me the truth, I switch on the lights, you go back to your cells.
Pinky: (Breathes heavily, trying to hide her sobbing) So this how it started…
At the Potgeiter Mansion. It is 6:39,Christopher is on a phone call with Maharaj.
Christopher: You always complaining and explaining why?
Maharaj: (On the Phone call) Chris, you sent me to bomb those ladies without a plan!
Christopher: You gave a child a bomb to deliver it at a witches door. Look now it did not work. Joyce is awake.
Maharaj: Joyce?
Christopher: This four ladies got away with murder of my brother, and now I’m about to marry one of them, Mampho!
Maharaj: Atleast Abitha is still Asleep. She is the dangerous one.
Christopher: I just need you to go to Mampho, and take junior. He is my Brother’s heir, I can’t have him all around the world.
Maharaj: Sorry. I can’t do that!
Christopher: (Laughing) I’m not asking you. I’m telling you!
Maharaj: And who do you think you are to vuur vy me all around. Just because I did one job.
Christopher: What are you talking about?
Maharaj: Besides, I’m in Dubai.
Christopher: (Hangs up the phone call) Bloody fool! What am I going to do!
7: 09 am, At the Police Station, Van Der Kerk and Pinky are still in the interrogation room.
Pinky: Then Abitha got angry. She is the one who sent me that message I’m sure of it.
Van Der Kerk: And?
Pinky: I shot Amanda and Abitha, I was thinking about my son. Who is he going to be left with. I wondered.
Van Der Kerk: And Siviwe?
Pinky: I thought I ran away, I found Siviwe downstairs waiting for me. He put handcuffs on me and he ranted all about how he finally caught me.
Van Der Kerk: You shot him!
Pinky: No… Maharaj, is the one who shot him, he told me to run. I ran!
Van Der Kerk: And you never looked back!
Pinky: I would not say that, I’m here today. Confessing!
Van Der Kerk: I’m Awe-Smacked. Look at the time, (looks at the watch) It’s 12 past 7, the sun should be rearing its nose. (Switches on the lights)
Pinky: (Sighs) I’m ready to accept my punishment.
Van Der Kerk: (Sits down on the desk) Why are you afraid of the dark?
Pinky: (Faces down) Detective.. I gave you what you wanted right? I have not slept at all. Please.
Van Der Kerk: OK! (switches off the recording device, and puts it in his leather jacket) Pleasure working with you. Constable Mhlongo’s will take you to your cells. (Walks out)
Pinky: (Breaks into tears) What have I done. What have you done Pinky!
At the PearlRose Hospital.
Dr.Andries: AHH, my patient is still doing fine, Goodmorning Joyce!
Joyce: (Coughs weakly) Doctor, why do i still have this white bandages over me, they are kind of tiring.
Dr.Andries: (Notes down on Joyce’s hospital file) How are you feeling?
Joyce: I feel Numb Doctor! I can’t feel myself.
Dr.Andries: (Continues Noting down on Joyce’s file) No one survives bombs, but you girls did, we are still waiting for Abitha to gain consciousness.
Joyce: (Sobs) My skin is so painful Doctor, the whole bandages all over my body are not helping!
Dr.Andries: (checks the heart rate machine) You still seem to be fine, just remain calm.
Joyce: (Moans in pain) Do you have Painkillers?
Amanda: Thank you Doctor we will take it from here!
Busi: HI, Joyce!
Joyce: (Startled, and opens her mouth in shock)
Dr.Andries: (Nods his head) Ofcourse Detective! (walks away and closes the door)
Joyce: What do I awe, or owe this visit?
Amanda: (Sits on the bed) How are you feeling?
Joyce: What are you here for?
Amanda: I Have met the infamous three, bit I have not met you.
Joyce: Manje, ngi’ ngena kup?
Busi: Hayi Voetsek sisi, asi’ kwaz manje nawe a wu’ syazi. Unga’s phapheli.
Amanda: You won’t believe what Abitha, Pinky and Mampho told me about you!
Joyce: What did they say? Detective are you lying to me?
Amanda: Why do you say that?
Joyce: Abitha is not awake!
Busi: (Laughing) O le new comer?
Joyce: (Moans in pain) Arghh, what do you want?
Amanda: (Sighs) Abitha, is the first ever person, I ever spoken to, in your group! Sooner or later, you might have to expect a police van!
Joyce: Why? What do I have to do with Police?
Busi: The three girls seem to be trying to say, you are the one who murdered George!
Joyce: I thought you were here to investigate and ask me about.. What could have happened to me. Who could have sent that child to give us a bomb. Heh!
Amanda: A child?
Joyce: (Fakes a gasp) Is that shock, this is your job detective!
Amanda: I’m an inspector sisi!
Joyce: Whatever, ok’salayo it’s your job.
Busi: (looks at Amanda) I think she is strong enough, the way she is answering,she is strong enough to join us in our Hotspot.
Joyce: Hotspot?
Amanda: That is just another word we gave, ‘Interrogation room’.
Joyce: (frowns) You can’t do that, I’m in pain.
Amanda: What I love about being a cop is that, some people can bend the rules just for you. The Supritendend of this hozi is my pal.
Busi: (Opens her small notebook) Are you going to comply swiftly or you still need more convincing?
Joyce: (Sighs heavily) What do you want to know?
At the McZen Cafe. Detective Van Der Kerk Is having coffee while thinking.
Van Der Kerk: (sips coffee) Will I be doing the right thing? (Sighs weakly)
Christopher: What are you thinking about? ( Sits on the chair on desk with Van Der Kerk)
Van Der Kerk: Do I know you from somewhere?
Christopher: (Smiles) You will soon.
Van Der Kerk: (Stares at Christopher)
Christopher: A little bird told me, you have a mouth watering recording!
Van Der Kerk: (laughing) OH, so you are a journalist looking for a scoop, no. I’m sorry!
Christopher: So you do have the Recording!
Van Der Kerk: I don’t know what you are talking about.
Christopher: (Fakes a loud gasp) Goodness, I’m not a journalist! I’m George’s brother. I want to know his killer.
Van Der Kerk: (frowns in realization) Oh, you are the one and only Christopher Potgeiter!
Christopher : Can I now have the recording?
Van Der Kerk: I don’t what you recording you are talking about.
Christopher: (Takes out a brick of cash) Name your price!
Van Der Kerk: (Looks at the brick of cash with lustful eyes)
Christopher: I can write you up a cheque if you want. All you have to do is hand me the recording!
Van Der Kerk: If, I do.. Have the recording, what do you plan on doing with it?
Christopher: I plan on making justice!
Van Der Kerk: That is my job. Not yours!
Christopher: Well, I have made it my job!
Van Der Kerk: (Takes the brick of cash) I will take this. I hope you get your recording! (Stands Up)
Christopher: So you just gonna take my money, but you don’t want to give me the recording!
Van Der Kerk: And tell that ‘little bird’ of yours, to stop feeding you lies. (Puts the cash into his jackets) I’m leaving, you can pay the bill. (walks away)
Christopher: Urgh! Damn it! (bangs the table)
7:45pm, Detective Busisiwe and Inspector Amanda are in interrogation room with Pinky.
Pinky: Why do you love to summon me late, is this even possible. I must be against the law.
Busi: Forgive us, but there is something we need to talk to you about!
Pinky: Why the sour faces.
Amanda: (her eyes get teary)
Busi: (Stares at Pinky)
Pinky: Why are you looking at me like that.
Amanda: Why did you go out for help, why did you not say anything.
Busi: You let him take your power, you let him taunt your spirit, you let him disrespect your body!
Pinky: (Twingles her fingers) Who told you!
Amanda: And you had to watch him go around with your friend!
Pinky: (her eyes get teary)
Amanda: And you never said anything. You just kept quiet, why!
Busi: We could have helped you. We could have saved you!
Pinky: (faces down, as she cries)
Busi: He was a Rapist, a Terrorist, a cheater and you had all the chance in the world to tell us.
Pinky: (Crying)
Amanda: Why Pinky! Why damn why.
Busi: (Cries) So. Sorry!
Amanda: And that is why you did nkt hesitate to kill him!
At the PearlRose Hospital. Ward 28, Room 71.
Abitha: (In shock) Where am I?
Dr. Andries: You are in hospital, in PearlRose!
Abitha : (in shock) Where is my mommy!
Dr. Andries: Mommy?
Abitha: I want my mom, she told me she was going shopping!
Dr. Andries: (Stares at Nurse Mbali) Could it be amnesia or Alzheimer’s?
Nurse Mbali: I have a feeling we are about to find out!
Dr. Andries: Abitha, explain more about this Mommy of yours.
Abitha: No. My name is not Abitha my name is Princess Tiffindel.
Dr. Andries: Princess?
Abitha: I told mommy to buy me a pink dress, le di sparkles sparkles.
Dr. Andries: (Sighs loudly) Die popo Sal Dans!
At the interrogation room, Detective Van Der Kerk enters the Scene.
Busi: Johan? What are you doing here?
Van Der Kerk: I should be asking you guys, it’s past 7.
Amanda: (Sighs weakly) Let’s just say Desprate times call for desperate destruction!
Van Der Kerk: Destruction?
Pinky: (laying her head on the table)
Van Der Kerk: What is happening to her?
Busi: (Stares at Amanda) Should we tell him?
Van Der Kerk: Tell me what?
Amanda: There is something we have to tell you!
Van Der Kerk: What guys. You keeping me in suspense!
Amanda: I think it’s time Pinky Potgeiter’s file mysteriously went missing!
Van Der Kerk: (Fakes a smile) Why would it ‘mysteriously go missing?’
Busi: Do you know what George has done to the poor woman. HE ABUSED HER! (Points at Pinky)
Van Der Kerk: Is that all? Wait… (Gasps) You want to release her? Why.. Would you do that!
Amanda: Because she is not a cold hearted killer, like we all think!
Van Der Kerk: She is Detective, I have a recording!
Amanda: Recording or not, we are releasing her!
Busi: Do you know what that monster George did to her, He abused her, he assaulted her, he taunted her body, then he went on and dated her best friend Abitha! Does that sound Normal?
Van Der Kerk: He abused her, She killed him! It’s a draw. She still Needs to pay for her crime!
Amanda: I’m nkt asking permission from you! Remember that!
Van Der Kerk: OH, if you want me to take this to the commissioner, I will do gladly that. Let alone the station commander!
Amanda: You would not dare Johan Van Der Kerk!
Busi: Wa thi, une recording?
Van Der Kerk: Yes, Busi. I have a recording of Pinky confessing to me, all her crimes.
Busi: How?
Van Der Kerk: I switched off the lights, and her dark heart, just poured out!
Amanda: You can go to the commander, or whoever you like. I’m not scared of you Johan! This my case remember, you are just a helper.
Busi: And besides, Consent is key! You don’t have Pinky’s consent meaning you just have a meaningless recording!
Van Der Kerk: Meaningless? I was approached by Christopher Potgeiter, he offered me millions, for the recording! I can’t believe I turned it down. I thought you were more about justice more than anyone, turns out. You are hypocrites. Like all of them! (walks out)
Busi: (Sighs heavily)
Amanda: (sobs) It’s for the better!
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