At the Potgeiter Mansion, Landline phone is ringing.
Dorah: (Picks up the call) Potgeiter Residence, hello.
Christopher: (on a phone call) Dorah, it’s Me.
Dorah: Mr Christopher?
Christopher: Please add Beef on tonight’s dinner.
Dorah: (takes out a small notebook out of her apron) Will that be all?
Christopher: Tell Christina that I will be sleeping at the mansion today.
Dorah: (frowns in confusion) Is she not with you sir?
Christopher: What makes you say that Dorah?
Dorah: Mrs Potgeiter has 5 days not home.
At The PearlRose Hospital. Ward 52, Room 12.
Amanda: Tell me detectives. Do you think they will wake up soon?
Busi: I think so!
Van Der Kerk : (stares at Busi)
Amanda: (Stares at Busi) What makes you say that Khuzwayo?
Busi: Amanda, Woman. Are strong, they are fighters.
Amanda: You think Joyce and Abitha are strong?
Van Der Kerk: I think they will wake up, but they will be Delulu.
Amanda: And what makes you think that Johan?
Van Der Kerk: Inspector. This woman have been through a lot, trapped in their own lies!
Amanda: I also think they will wake up.
Van Der Kerk: What is your reason?
Amanda: They got secrets to reveal. And I believe, they just can’t take them away with them.
Busi: Who would go to an extent? Of a bomb!
Amanda: Joyce and Abitha are the reckless ones in the group. They are the ones who have the ability to play with bombs!
Van Der Kerk: I doubt they would want to bomb themselves.
Amanda: This only explains one thing.
Busi: That we have a new player in the game!
Van Der Kerk: (Sighs) Urghh, let’s get out of this hospital. Seeing them bandaged all over their bodies like this. Is truamatising!
Amanda: Of course. (Walks out of the room)
Van Der Kerk: (Follows Amanda)
Busi: (Stares at Amanda and Joyce, laying in their hospital beds) Get well soon. (walks out)
Mampho is in her car with Junior.
Mampho: Junior. Where do you think I should go next?
Junior: I want mom!
Mampho: You will see mom, my baby.
Junior: (Crying) Why do you all say that.
Mampho: Huh?
Junior: First it was Lethabo’s mother, then it was Detective Busi, Then it was Maharaj, now it’s you?
Mampho: Detective Busi?
Junior: Yes. (cries) Where is my mommy?
Mampho: (Holds the steering wheel tightly) Uhmm, can I tell you a story Junior?
Junior: (Crying) No. I want mommy, I don’t want any story.
Mampho: Please! I promise you. You will love this one.
Junior: (Crying) I want mommy!
Mampho: Shut up! Ngwe Ngwe mommy. Shut up mann. Do you ever close your long pipe. I also want your mommy. I want her to explain how I got into this mess.
Junior: (Crying)
Mampho: (Sighs heavily) Uh.. Uhmm sorry. Sorry for speaking to you like that.
Junior: Why do you hate me?
Mampho: (Cries) No.. No.. My baby, I don’t hate you. Aunty Mampho loves children.
Junior: No.. You are a bad Person.
Mampho: Aunty Mampho..(Sobs) Aunty Mampho is just under a lot of stress.
Junior: (Cries)
Mampho: OH, do you want some Yogurt? Aunty Mampho can buy lots of lots of them.
Junior: (Sobbing) Really?
Mampho: Yes. (wipes off her tears) I can buy lots of them.
Junior: (Cries) I want Mommy! I want my Mommy.
Mampho: (Cries) oh, God. What am I going to do!
At the interrogation room, Detective Busi and Inspector Amanda from Crime and Robbery department are in investigation with Pinky.
Amanda: Back again to where it all started. Pinky, tell us more about yourself.
Pinky: What is there to tell Detective, or are you trying to prolong keeping me here in the cells.
Amanda: Oh no. I can keep you as long as I want in my cells, you now belong to me!
Pinky: What do you want Amanda?
Amanda: Justice!
Pinky: Justice?
Amanda: Do you think you could get me justice?
Pinky: What do you want me to say Detective?
Amanda: I want you to confess! I want you to tell me Everything you know.
Pinky: You starting to sound like a philosopher, is your life getting boring.
Amanda: Actually, No…
Busi: (Interrupts Inspector Amanda) What have you got to say about the bomb, I’m eager to hear your comment.
Pinky: (laughing) Wow. I’m getting the first class attention from police, wow!
Amanda: Answer my Colleague’s Question!
Pinky: I will not be suprised if I found out that there has been some betrayal going on.
Busi: Explain Vividly Asemblief!
Pinky: You can’t just wake up and decide to bomb someone. Of course, Abitha And Co must have stepped in the wrong toes of a wrong Gorilla.
Busi: Tell us about Mampho Mukhari.
Pinky: (Laughing) You see. Now le bolela ka di power house. That one is a real power house.
Amanda: I think you once interviewed her right Detective?
Busi : Yes! I was with Van Der Kerk.
Pinky: Abitha and Joyce are straight talkers, but Mampho is the queen of manipulation. She is good at manipulation, she manipulates herself.
Amanda: She is determined one?
Pinky: Exactly, but she is not a chatter box. She is careful of what she says when she says, and how she says it.
At Mampho’s Car. Junior is sleeping. While Mampho is awake in her thoughts.
Mampho: (holding her phone) What should I do..
Christopher: (Knocks on Mampho’s window)
Mampho: (gasping) Chris… Christopher? (Opens the window slowly)
Christopher: We need to talk. Mampho!
Mampho: (Frowns) Christopher?
At the Police station, While Inspector Amanda and Detective Busisiwe are in an interrogation with Pinky, Detective Van Der Kerk enters.
Van Der Kerk : Sorry to interrupt!
Amanda: Why are you so jittery.
Van Der Kerk: I have spine- chilling news!
Busi: Thrill Us.
Van Der Kerk: (Sighs heavily) Joyce is awake.
Pinky: (Sucks her teeth) Mxm, is that all?
Van Der Kerk : First of all I was not talking to you. Second of all. No, that is not all.
Amanda: You have more?
Van Der Kerk: Christina Potgeiter, is missing.
Busi: (Gasps)
Amanda: (Frowns) Christina? As in like George’s mother.
Van Der Kerk: The one and only inspector.
Pinky: And this are just small items. You still going to be in gasp.
At the News25 Studio’s, Rethabile Dlathu is standing live camera with a Special Guest.
Rethabile: (Fakes a wide smile) Rethabile Dlathu, your Favorite journalist. Our headlines today, Ministers announces load – shedding to pause soon. Former Fashion Model, 63 year old Christina Potgeiter has been reported missing. This is News-on25! Today in the studio I’m with Christopher. Christopher hi!
Christopher: Hi.
Rethabile: Tell us about your relationship with Christina as your step-mother.
Christopher: Christina, has been the pillar of the Potgeiter family.
Rethabile: ‘Has been’?
Christopher: She still is!
Rethabile: You just got off a plane from Tokyo I believe , tell us more about how you felt when the plane graced that rainbow land only to hear sad news about your mother!
Christopher: Rethabile. I’m not here to pull a stunt or anything. I’m here to let the country, I’m back. And I’m back with Power.
Rethabile: Elaborate!
Christopher: Whoever has my mother, who ever kidnapped my Christina. I will strangle with my own hands.
At the Police Station, At Detective Busisiwe’s Office.
Amanda: (Sighs heavily) Finally, it’s over.
Van Der Kerk: How do these people keep up. Because I can’t.
Amanda: Something is fishing. Something is very big.
Busi: (Cries)
Amanda: (Goes to Busi, and brushes her back) Busi? What’s wrong?
Van Der Kerk: (Stares at Busisiwe)
Amanda: Talk to us.
Busi: (Crying) What kind of friends are these, all they can do is just pretend to each other, they lie to each other. They keep hurting each other!
Amanda: (Brushes Busisiwe’s back)
Busi: (Cries) They are just a bunch of fake friends, they are just pretending dogs, they are just pretendists!
Tell us: What Could Christopher be Scheming? What is Mampho thinking? Will Pinky spill the can of secrets, Will Joyce entertain a crime case?
Hope You love the intro. 💜