In Busi’s house
Sega…hela mosadi your friend is sleeping there by her gate mean Nombulelo…that crazy thing that got pregnant at the age of 16
Sega…Hey and that Zimbabwean boyfriend left her pregnant
Busi..Yoh….my friend last night I saw her daughter Nomvula inside a Audi car kissing with a old man enough to be her grandfather
Sega…No ways because last week I saw her inside a GTI
Busi…Hayibo we don’t know
At school
In class
Mpho…I think it’s the right time you tell her about your feelings
Bongani…what about our friendship what if thing go wrong??
Mpho…just give it a chance
Bongani..okay I’m going to tell her
At the school tuck shop
Nomvula..I think Bongani has a huge,large crush on you
Nomathemba..No ways we are just friends and I love Daddy
Mr Dube…Nomvula in my office now