In Busi’s house
Busi…Bongani my boy come over
Bongani ..sorry mom can’t stay for breakfast Mpho is waiting for me outside
Busi…Okay just take fruits and eat the on your way to school
Bongani..Okay thanks
Busi…I love you my baby boy (kisses him on his forehead)
Bongani..bye…love you too
On their way to school
(Nomathemba, Nomvula,Bongani and Mpho)
A car passes and turns back
Daddy…Hi girls
Mpho…Mr Audi can’t you see us
Daddy…with what little boy
Mpho…please do us the houner and greet us….or are we invisible
Daddy…Sorry boy sho gents…..I can see you are one tough guy who stands for his rights
Nomvula…oh Nomathemba this is Daddy, Daddy this is my best friend Nomathemba
Nomathemba..nice to meet you
Daddy…Nice to meet you too (takes Nomathemba’s hand and kisses it and looks through her eyes)
Bongani…I think it’s school time (angrily)
Daddy..Okay see you later babies