In Sega’s house

Sega…Noma my baby breakfast is ready

Nomathemba..I’m coming mama did you pass your test…I forgot yesterday and I came late

Nomathemba…yesss mommy you know me mos..the problem is that

Sega…What’s wrong ?

Nomathemba…I need R8000 for a school trip to Cape Town

Sega…What?thousand are you mistaken…no ways you meant hundred

Nomathemba…thousand mama…..on this trip we will be going to Cape Town and everyone will be there.Please mom

Sega…You know that I love you and can do anything for you but R8000 I can’t

Nomathemba…Please have a lot of time it’s now October and we are going in December 🥺

Sega…Okay I will try my best and I’m not promising

Nomathemba…thank you mom……you are the best


In Nombulelo’s house

Nomvula…Hi mommy

Nombulelo…(drunk)hey wena I need money for more beer your stupid father left me pregnant and I raised you for 16 years….you are in grade 10 you better get your self a blesser to bless you like God with money

Nomvula…you are a natural disaster….take this R190 and buy some food stuff and I will come back with more money..mxm you really ruined my day

Nombulelo…what ever…I will buy beer with this money ..go get your self a blesser anyway I have a customer coming let me go bath because we will be busy for 2 hours