After their class
Jennie-what happened? Why am i here (clinic)
Y/n-you don’t remember? *signs* you had collapse before and why?
Jennie-you mean when V says “hi girls”?
Jennie-Y/n!! His…his deep voice! Omg
Y/n-oh ye..yeah i see (remember that she almost had too a collapse *Y/n*)
Jennie-that’s why i’m so inlove to him!
Y/n-his kinda cute but! Looks like his a cold person uh?
Jennie-yeah he is,
Y/n-oh…are you okay now? Let’s go back
Jennie-okay let’s go
And they go back to class
Jennie-did we skip the lunch?
Y/n-yeah! Looks it’s not good anymore…
Jennie-opps..sorry bestie
V-Kim Choi Y/n right?
Y/n-(shock) ye…yes i am..?
V-here (give her a new lunch) eat it.
Y/n-n…no i’m fine (smile)
V-just eat it.
Y/n-okay, thank you taehyung.
Jennie-omg! Bestie can i have it?
Y/n-oh..okay you can have it (smile and give to jennie)
Y/n-*signs* i’m hungry…bestie i’ll just go out buy something
Jennie-oh okay, (eating)
Y/n pov-
I’m here in convince store buying some food bcuz jennie ate all
Y/n-can i buy noodles and one coke please
H/n-here it’s $100 all
Y/n-umm okay (seeing her wallet was no money) oh sh¡t i don’t have money left..
V-need help?
Y/n-(shock)wah! Taehyungiee becareful i’m almost to die of your deep voice!
V-oh sorry, here is the money ma’am
H/n-thank you,
Y/n-oh taehyungie? *signs* i’ll just give you back the money tomorrow
V-no need, and please call me V coz i’m a good boy
Y/n-really but i want to call you Taehyung (smile)
Y/n-oh gosh taehyungiee your all face was red?
V-m…me? No i’m not!
Y/n-? (confused)
V-i’ll go now. (leave)
Y/n-how fast.. Nah nevermind (eat)
Fast Forward
Jennie-how took you so long?
Y/n-oh sorry i eat in store
Jennie-okay, let’s go home now
Y/n-uhm, (nod)
And they go home
V pov-
I’m just here chiling in my terrace it’s cold here, i just remember how cute Y/n…
Jk-hey taehyung
Jk-what are you thinking?
V-*signs* i’m inlove.