Y/n pov-i’m just breastfeeding at noona girls call me so i talking to them,
Jm-are u okay sir?
V-yes i am why u ask me like that?
Jm-u just like dizzy before
V-nah i’m good now
Jm-u sure?
V-uhm,(Suga call)suga?
Suga-yes i am, it’s my birthday come i’m alone tho
V-u back here?
Suga-yes without my sis,bring jimin too
V-oh ok,Jimin suga was inviting us to go on his birthday wanna go?
Jm-sure sir
V-then lets go(they leave)
Back to u
Y/n-girls what’s wrong?
Lisa-omg! is that ur baby girl?
Y/n-yes she is,her name is noona
Lisa-she’s cute y/niee
Jen-cute lil one,btw i’m with jisoo come jisoo
Jis-hi girls its been a years
Y/n-hey long time no see~
Lisa-jisoo how are u?
Jis-i’m good super good
Jen-she had an bf thats why she’s happy(like bruh..)
Y/n-i miss rose
Lisa-even me!
Jis-shes in good place now⚠️imagine only not true⚠️
Y/n-(tae called)wait girls taehyung calling me
V-were going to suga’s house its his birthday i’m with jimin
Y/n-no girls!?(st)
V-of course no babe,i love you y/niee muaw!💋
Y/n-ok take care not to drunk much! I love you too babe(hang up)*signs* why i’m worried? That he’ll drunk…
Y/n-(shock)noona!? What did u just say? Say it again pls!
Noona-(cute smiles)
Y/n-did u just call me mama!!(touched)
Woon-i’m home mommy!
Y/n-oh woonie,(hugs)
Woon-i got A+ on my test!
Y/n-oww really? So genius son!(chuckles)i’ll put noona here in baby bed watch her ok?(put)i’m going to cook
Woon-ayay mommy!
Change Topic
Suga-u better drink taehyung
V-of course(drink)ahh! Strong beer!
Jimin-i’ll not drink
Suga-just say u weak
Jm-no i’m not sir i’m taking care taehyung if he got drunks
Suga-i see,
After of chikas the two got drunk much
Jm-oh no…what did just say mrs.kim not to be drunk much mr.kim!(carry to car)
Suga-ok bye!(drunk)
V-i should go alone jimin!(drunk)
Jm-but si-
V-no buts! Go now(close the car)what just did i do to myself(drive)