(they pop the balloon)
Y/n-(shock)w..we got boy!(cry hard)
V-omg…i can’t believe(happy and hugs u)we got boy my dear(kiss ur forehead)
Nicole-congrats of u two(smiles)
Jimin-(try’n to hug too)
V-ops(push his head away)i am the only one can touch and hug y/n
Skip,after a years
V-are u okay? Do u want to eat?
Y/n-yes i am i’m so hungry
V-here i buy u foods don’t eat chips okay,(grab the chip)
Y/n-but its yummy
V-u need to eat healthy foods okay for our baby (smiles and go to kitchen to washing dish)
Y/n-yeah yeah,(hurting)a..ah! Ta..taehyung!!
V-Y/n!(run to her)are u going to give a birth?
Y/n-i..i think! Ahh!!! Taehyung!
V-ok ok!! Wait(carry u to car)nicole i have to go!
Nicole-i’ll just go in there soon too sir!
Y/n-a,ah! Oh oh…!!
V-(driving to hospital)just wait okay!
Skip at hospital
V-oh gosh!(walking nervously)i hope she’s okay
Doc-Mr.Kim right?
V-yes doc! Is my wife okay now lately she’s dying?
Doc-yes she is and congrats of your baby boy,you can go to her, i’m off(leaves)
V-(had a big smile)nicole!
Nicole-sorry sir! I’m late,is y/n ok?
V-she is and lets go(enter at room)y/n!
Y/n-babe,(hug tae)i’m happy
V-i was so nervous..its just my first time to see a woman how hard to gave a birth
Y/n-(smile)and i’m so blessed to our baby,what should u name to him?