Yn-time to go on school, mom i gotta go (hugged)
Y/n’mom-alright bye be careful don’t get a low score (wave)
Y/n-yes mom bye (wave)
Y/n starting walk through then jennie came
Jennie-hey bestie! Do you heard about a guy who was new to our class!!?
Y/n-um, you mean Kim Taehyung?
Jennie-yes yes! He is my crush since kindergarten bestie
Y/n-wait, you guys are already meet?
Jennie-yes were classmate since kindergarten
Y/n-really that’s good
And they already in school
T-o Y/n and Jennie why you took so long?
Y/n-oh sorry teacher! (bow)
T-now sit in your seat’s
Y/n&Jennie-uhm, (nod)
T-okay class you had a new classmate he is from university
V entered
V-hi. I’m Kim Taehyung from university i’m 26 yrs/old (cold tone)
Y/n-(whisper to jennie) seriously? Jennie his 26 and ur just 24 like me duh?
Jennie-i know y/n but his cute right (giggles)
T-now sit besides Y/n
Y/n-he..hey what? (shyness attack)
Jennie-oh my gosh!! His so cute oh gosh i’m gonna die y/n! (blushes)
V-(look at them bcuz of their noise) hi girls, (cold tone)
Jennie-oh my god…(collapse)
Y/n-oh god. Hey bestie! Bestie! (nervous)
After of their class
~to be continue please Admin approve and for who supporting me please follow my page and like please🙏🏻✨~