(The day Of the trip finally came and Riya was Home expecting a call from Kenny… she tried viewing pictures on Facebook…he was there n there looking happy and enjoying………..*Weekend after the Trip…in the Morning At school )
Riya: (Looks sad she hasn’t received a call from Kenny during the trip and the weekend)
Keletso: HI Riya…
Riya: hey… you’re Early…where’s your friend?
Keletso: why aren’t you at the Gate?
Riya: oh just giving it a break..I hope principal doesn’t notice..lol…where’s Kenny?
Keletso: oh OK… I don’t know…I don’t care he’s probably on his way
Riya: ( looking confused) oh….okay
Ora walks in…
Ora: don’t even say it …I know I’m early…but friend for this!!!!!….FOR THIS!!!!!??????…I had to come early…(quickly puts down her bag and grabs her hand)….LET’S Go..
Riya: where are we?… (both leaving the class…heading to the parking lot for some Privacy)
Riya: Ora what’s happening?????
Ora: have you spoken to Kenny???
Riya: *embarassed*…uh .. not really
Ora: The trip was WILLLLD friend!!! I mean WILD…. long story short… Kenny hooked up with Nono…rumor has it, that they’re now decided to date infact…. Keletso Beat up Kenny at the Trip, they don’t talk anymore!!!… Sarah!!!! Is the one who literally pushed Nono at Kenny… hate that Bi**ch… anyway. Yeah there was alcohol in the mix…some had sex …. it was C R A Z Y…
(As she was talking…Keletso appeared…)
Keletso: Riya I’m Sorry… you didn’t deserve All that… thought I knew my friend but… I guess…(Shrugging his shoulders )… But for him to do you like that…over a piece of skirt and a trip Vibe??? That’s foul….
Riya: ( silently staring at Ora and Keletso with Teary Eyes)… i….don’t… ….(taking slow breaths)….. i…..i … don’t get it.. why would he …. (as she brokedown intears)
Ora: I’m sorry Friend…. I’m sorry… ( hugging her) while Keletso just sadly looks away…