Upon her arrival in the city,Pretty had to wait for her sister at her bestfriend’s place.
Fiona : Hi.Please come in.(showing her inside)
Pretty : Thanks.
Fiona : Pretty,right?
Pretty : Yes.I’m sorry I had nowhere else to go,my sister just told me to come and wait here.
Fiona : Oh,yes she called me earlier to tell me you were coming.
Six hours later Sino came back from work.
Sino : Pretty mntase (hugging her) I’m sorry I didn’t leave the keys for you.I totally forgot,I was in a rush when I left the house this morning,please forgive me.
Pretty : No,It’s fine.Thanks for letting me wait here.(referring to Fiona)
Fiona : No darling you don’t have to thank me.Akhona is my friend and friends are always there for each other when they are in need of help.
Sino : Yes,Pretty.This is Fiona,my friend and she’s the one I told you about.
Pretty : Again,thanks Fiona.
Fiona : It was a pleasure darling.
Sino helped Pretty,carrying the bags to her room.
Sino : Okay,now that you are done with high school,what were you thinking of doing this year?
Pretty : I want to continue.Remember you said you will help me and also pay for my studies,right?
Sino : Yes,but I’m financially struggling right now.It’s the beginning of the year and…I’m broke.I think you should get a job.
Pretty : A job? But I thought…
Sino : Pretty,I just told you I don’t have money! You have a place to stay so what more do you you want from me?
Pretty : Okay I will get a job.
Sino : Good,now go and change into something else,I don’t want people to make a joke about me because of you.
Pretty : What’s wrong with my clothes?
Sino : Just take a look at yourself,Pretty.How did you get in the bus looking like this? (pushing her aside and choosing her an outfit) Here is an outfit,not what you are wearing.
Pretty : If I wear these clothes now what am I going to wear when I’m going to look for a job?
Sino : Hurry up Pretty,I’ll buy you new clothes when I get paid.I told my boyfriend you are here,he’s coming over for dinner tonight so please hurry up so we can go to the shops.
Pretty and her sister came back from the shops and started preparing for dinner.Sino’s boyfriend arrived before they were done cooking.
Sino : Baby please meet my younger sister,Pretty and pretty this is Yandisa my boyfriend.
Yandisa : Pleased to meet you.
Pretty : Same here.
Sino : Do you mind taking over,Pretty? I’m so tired.You can call me when you are done,I don’t mind dishing.
Pretty : Okay.
Sino climbed into bed,joining her boyfriend who was sitting comfortably,watching tv.He kept checking Pretty out while she was busy cooking but Pretty did not notice any of that.The food was ready and they started eating.After they were done eating Pretty took the dishes and washed them.
Pretty : Where am I going to sleep,Sino?
Sino : Already you want to sleep? No,Pretty we are still watching tv.
Yandisa : I think she needs some rest baby,she’s been standing since I got here and besides I should also get going.
Sino : Okay,baby bye.Before you come and sleep,Pretty can you please walk him out.
Pretty : No problem.
Pretty walked Yandisa out and when she was about to enter the room,Yandisa pulled her by her arm and hugged her.
Yandisa : (hugging her) Thanks for dinner.
Pretty : You shouldn’t be thanking me.
Yandisa : Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
Pretty : What? (shutting the door in his face).
Sino : Are you okay?
Pretty : Yes I’m fine.
Tell us : Do you think Pretty should tell her sister about her boyfriend’s behavior?