I was woken up by my alarm , even though I hated waking up I did it cause I loved school , I got up and went to the bathroom and had a shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair I wore my school mini-skirt and a shirt and a blazer on top . And I went down stairs for breakfast

Mom:Hey sweetheart how did you sleep

Me:Not bad you

Mom: I slept great , honey (calling dad)

Dad:Yes love

Mom:come down for breakfast

Me:Yeah dad I wanna see what mom prepared today

Dad:I’ll be right down

Mom:Ncoo Amahle you sure know how to make a mom feel special

Dad:Hey Amahle , Hey Nomfa (my mom’s name )

Mom:okay , okay wait right there now you calling me by my name , well then two can play with that game Thembi(short for Thembinkosi)

Me:Come on mom and dad don’t act like children now

Mom:You right for today’s breakfast we are having Fried eggs , bacon , pancakes and chocolate milk

Dad:Honey you sure know how to stop a guys diet

Mom:Yep that’s me

I quickly finished my breakfast and took my bag and cellphone and called my best friend

Alibongwe:Hey boo

Me:Hey sweetie , what’s up Ali

Ali:I’m good where you at

Me:not even a how are you , but whatever I’m almost by your house

Ali:okay I’ll be out in 2 minutes

Me:Okay love ya and see ya

I got to her house I’ve got to say she was looking DROP DEAD GORGEOS with her school uniform on , we walked to school while gossiping