Rebecca: (singing) Ngidinga wena, ngidinga wena umphefumulo wami udinga wena nenhliziyo yami udinga wena Baba…… Ngomele wena ngomele wena, ngomele wena thixo wami ngomele wena ngenhliziyo yam ngomele wena Kanti nomphefumulo wami womele wena…Ngilambele wena, ngilambele wena; ngilambele wena baba wami ngilambele wena ngenhliziyo yami ngifuna wena umphefumilo wami lambele wena. Trinity my daughter you know what to do.

Trinity: John 19:28-29 As Jesus knew buy now everything had been completed and to make the scripture come true, he said “I am thirsty” a bowl was there, full of cheap wine so a sponge was soaked in the wine put in a stalk of hyssop and lifted to his lips.

Rebecca: God bless you, my child. Christ our king he now feels thirsty in this verse. Now when he said he was thirsty it isn’t the thirst that most of us think about, or shall I say the thirst that you were thinking of. He wasn’t in thirst that he needed something to drink only but he was also thirsty for the word of God itself he was longing for it. In the book of Psalms 42 it says as the deer for a stream of cold water so I long for you O’ God I thirst for the living God now he was longing for the Lord. Water, wine, juice or whatever wouldn’t serve any purpose and the word continues to say My tears have been my food all the time they say where is your God? If you remember correctly the bible says if he is who he claims to be why not come down and save himself, let see whether your father will save you. They we are mocking him saying all sorts of things. John 19 continues to say They gave him vinegar wine something that has a bitter taste something that when you drink give you body a strange feeling, and they were giving it to the body that was going to planted/buried.

Mable: (shouting) You are going somewhere!

Rebecca: so, they never had an understanding as they gave him this wine vinegar that they are preventing his body from perishing/being rotten for example if you don’t want your food to spoil a drop or little bit of vinegar will prevent it from spoiling. To prove that what was happening on that day kade kwazeka kuthi it will happen the book of Psalms 69;21-22 says I am worn out from calling for help; and my throat aching it futhers on and say the part we were looking for when I was hungry they gave me poison when I was thirsty they offered me vinegar. Amen!

Trinity: John 19:30 Jesus drank the wine and said it is finished then he bowed his head and died.

Zanobuntu: As now the Lords will be fulfilled and everything that was said and written was done, he gave up his spirit because he couldn’t bare or endure the pain any more all was there was to surrender and let god take control for was finally at peace of what was happening to him. Everything he did it was all out of love he wanted nothing in return sometimes people do something with love some do it because they must like they are looking for something in return and some for the sake of doing it. And here in Jesus he is doing everything for us out love he doesn’t care whether you grateful or not he will do it. Amen