Scene 3: Rebecca is cooking Mandy and Monica are helping Nandipha, Christina and Jeanette are chatting.
Rebecca: Madam you must be happy that you’ve got your son back (smiles) now you will celebrate his birthday with joy and happiness now. I wonder why they kept a secret that he is alive because if you knew that you wouldn’t have suffered like that it good to see you happy.
Nandipha: At least he is alive, and you will get to spend time together and forget about all things that happened in the past.
Monica: I really wish it was your husband saying that (grumpy face) but what can we say he never knew King for if he did, he wouldn’t done what he did.
Nandipha: Guys you are getting this all-wrong George means well the more you get close to him you will see he is a good guy besides being controlling there is a good side of him.
Mandy: I will believe that when I see him being good towards us.
Rebecca: (laughs) Let forget about whose controlling and who’s a good guy. Mandy and Monica we have a request for you actually the Finding Purpose to Life Ministries we would love you Mandy to be our MC for the Passover service on Friday service and Monica t share one of the seven words that were spoken by the lord only if it okay with you as for you Jeanette we didn’t include you due to that the service usually run till late and you still have a baby.
Jeanette: (laughs) Mother you can relax preaching and church are not my thing I will just come and enjoy the service, I’m dying to see the ladies I love on stage sharing a word of God.
(enters Nandy and George) Here they come to spoil my mood.
Nandy: (excited) How is everyone doing the results are back.
Mandy: So quick how come?
George: (smiles) Oh I forgot to tell you I sent a message using Monica’s phone that is how I speeded up the process.
Jeanette: (shocked) You did what? You know you are unbelievable as for you Nandipha was this the good side of him you were talking about. I’m slowly losing interest in this family.
Nandy: (glares at them) So when you gather here you gather with pupil’s names. Son read the results please.
Rebecca: What did you think a mother knows her children.
George: Shut up who asked you to talk? As for you do you have anything to say Jeanette?
Jeanette: I will be going to see my family tomorrow my mother has to meet up with her grandson.
George: You can’t we’ll be going to Gerald’s grave.
Jeanette: (smiles) What grave? Never mind the grave story I don’t need permission to see my mother.
George: What do you mean by that?
Mandy: Mr. George there is non grave your mother never told you the truth (laughing) we did not get your brothers body a certain woman came and claimed to be his wife sadly the cameras were not working that day (closes her eyes) do you know what that means….it inside job dear so there is no grave.
Monica: Now it about time to use your leadership skills to find the body (hits her head) … oh I forgot we will now find the grave because King will take his rightful position and find his father without a doubt.