(Fezile is sitting with her friends. They are having a conversation while drinking coffee.)

Fezile: Next week, we are working.

Nolu: Yes! It is interesting because we are going to earn our money.

Jabu: I am excited too! I cannot wait. I am going to be independent.

Fezile: Me too chommie!

Jabu: Single lady , tell us about your plans for the valentine’s day.

Fezile: Nothing! I will just spoil myself.

Nolu: Hawu! Get a man.

Fezile: Mjolo is not for me. I prefer being alone because I feel happy.

Nolu: Come on, you cannot say that. You must have someone who will spoil you and take you for a ride. A wealthy guy could be a perfect match.

Fezile: Never! I prefer being single that’s it.

Jabu: I like your spirit mogal. I wish I could be you but I cannot.

Fezile: I am thinking of leaving you guys. I need to go and cook. I will see you on Monday morning.

Nolu : Bye!

Fezile: Bye guys!

(Fezile exits the house.)