Ashanti: Hey,Ande.I wasn’t sure you’d come.(huggingher)

Ande: Well,I couldn’t say no.And miss out on all this.Free drinks and everything? Never.

Ashanti: (laughing) Entle should be happy you’re here.

Leroy: Entle? Am I missing something here?

Entle: (turning to look at Ande) I’m glad you agreed to come.

Ande: (clearing throat and whispering) I thought we agreed to keep this between us.What’s this now?

Entle: Relax.It’s not like other people heard us.It’s just Ashanti.And Leroy is your friend.I don’t get it why you’re acting like this.

Leroy: come let’s go get the drinks.

Ashanti: Can’t you go with Entle,babe? I don’t feel okay.

Entle: I’m coming with you,Leroy.(following Leroy)

Ashanti: (pulling Ande back inside) How about we use this time to ourselves (getting up from the seat and slowly sitting on top of Ande)

Ande: (tempted to kiss her back) This is not right.I can’t do this to Leroy.

Ashanti: Don’t be such a coward.(attempting to kiss Ande again)

Ande: No,I can’t do this.Please get off me.

Ashanti: What’s wrong?

Ande: Just get off me please.You are my best friend’s girlfriend and Entle’s friend.

Ashanti: Yes,I know that but I have feelings for you.

Ande: Feelings? No,maybe I should just tell Leroy about this.

Ashanti: And say what? That you kissed me the other day and you were actually trying to do the same again but I pushed you and threatened to tell him?

Ande: But you know that’s not the truth.

Ashanti: But he doesn’t know that.So go on and tell him and see who he’s going to believe between the two of us.

Ande: Wow.So this is who you really are?

Ashanti: Stop making this so dificult.I know you also want me.Every guy at school does.Why resist? Leroy will not find out unless you tell him.

Ande: You’re sick.(pushing Ashanti off her and getting out)

A moment later.

Entle: You guys are still here? I brought your drinks.(handing them their drinks) Don’t you wanna come dance.

Ande: Sure let’s go.

Leroy: Guys.Where’s Ashanti?

Entle: Go check her inside.

Leroy: This is strange.(heading towards the taxi) Sweetheart,you’re still here? I thought you were with the others or in the pool swimming.

Ashanti: No,I don’t feel like it.I’m starting to regret this trip.

Leroy: It’s your birthday baby,you should enjoy it.Now come let’s go dancing or swimming.(extending his hand to Ashanti)

Ashanti: (trying to take Leroy’s hand but falling down)

Leroy: Aibo.Ashanti! Ashanti! I need help! Somebody call an ambulance!

Entle : What happened?

Leroy: I don’t know.She just fell.

Entle: We need to get her to a nearby hospital.Has anyone seen the driver?

Leroy: Everyone listen up.The party is over!