Everyone is having a great time at Ashanti’s house when Ande receives a phone call from Nelisa.

Ande: Eish,guys I have to go.

Xola: But you just got here twenty minutes ago.

Ande: Something just came up and I need to be somewhere quickly.

Ashanti: It must be the girl from school.

Xola: Obvious.

Ande: (paying no attention to them and going)

Ashanti: (sneaking on Ande outside) Hey,Ande.

Ande: Sure,what’s up? I have to go.

Ashanti: Isn’t there anything I can do to make you stay a little bit longer? (asking seductively)

Ande: Ashanti…you’re drunk.

Ashanti: What? No,I’m not drunk.I can prove it to you.(trying to kiss Ande)

Ande: What the hell,Ashanti?

Ashanti: But if it was Entle you wouldn’t have stopped her.Yes,I know.She told me everything about you guys.(kissing Ande again)

Ande: (pushing her) Stop it! This is wrong.(getting into the car and driving away)

With Nelisa on the street.

Ande: Baby,what happened? Why are you crying?

Nelisa: It’s my mom,she kicked me out.

Ande: Now what are you going to do? Any relatives you want me to take you to?

Nelisa: No.I have nowhere else to go.I was hoping maybe you can help me.

Ande: But baby you know my mother is always watching me.What do you think is going to happen when she sees you.She’s going to freak out.

Nelisa: I’m begging you,babe.She won’t even know I’m there.

Ande: Eish! Okay,I’ll help you.Let’s get all these things in the car.

Nelisa: Thanks,babe.

Four days passed and Nelisa hasn’t heard anything from her mother about coming back home.Sis’Connie walks in on Ande trying to hide Nelisa on the wardrobe.

Sis’Connie: Now I’m being tested.What on earth is going on here?

Ande: If you give me a chance,I can explain mom.

Sis’Connie: (looking around the room) Explain what? That you are doing fat’n set in my house?

Ande: Mom please,it’s not like that.

Sis’Connie: Don’t take me for a fool.How long has this been going on?

Ande: It’s only been four days.

Sis’Connie: What? Where do you think this is,Ande? And you,did they kick you out at home?

Nelisa: Yes,Ma.

Sis’Connie: Why am I not surprised.Tomorrow morning you are going back home.I’m sure whatever issues you have with your parents can be resolved.You need to go back home.