Nelisa: Well,it’s don’t have to let me in.I won’t be long anyway.I came here to apologize for everything I said the other day and for what happened this morning.
Ande: It’s okay,I understand and to be quite honest,I really missed you and I’m happy to see you.
Nelisa: No,it’s not.Ande,I know I broke your heart and I’m sorry.I was jealous and thought you would leave me for that girl,Entle.I still love you.
Ande: Have I ever gave you any reason not to trust me?
Nelisa: No.That’s why I’m saying that I’m sorry.
Ande: You know when your mother answered your phone this morning I thought you were done with me.Completely.
Nelisa: Don’t mind my mother.She’s just being over protective.(wrapping her arms around Ande’s neck)
The following day at school,Ashanti finds out about her best friend’s relationship with Ande.
Ashanti: I’m going to the tuck shop,are you coming with me?
Entle: (focusing on her phone) What?
Ashanti: Tuck shop.Woow.Whoever you’re chatting with must be very important.
Entle: (giggling alone) You were saying?
Ashanti: Entle,your focus has been on that phone since we left the class.
Entle: Yoh! Ashanti,what do you want?
Ashanti: Your attention!
Entle: But I’m busy.
Ashanti: Who are you chatting with? (snatching the phone and going through the conversation) What? You and Ande,since when? (laughing) Doesn’t Ande have a girlfriend from grade 10.
Entle: What now,are you judging me?
Ashanti: (laughing and walking away) No,I’m not judging you. Leroy will have to explain why he didnt tell me.Surely he knew about this.
Entle: You will do no such thing,Ashanti.(running behind her and pulling her by her arm) Please,friend I made a promise to Ande that I will keep this between us.
Ashanti: Why would you want to be someone’s secret? It’s fine I will keep my lips sealed as long as you tell me everything.
Entle: Anything you want to know,friend.