The word is out and no one knows what Leroy is up to as he didn’t show up at school.Nelisa’s phone is off and Ashanti is also not at school.

Entle: Why,Ande? Of all people but you just went for my friend?

Ande: It’s not like that.Please believe me.I never wanted Ashanti.You know this is all your fault.If you never told her anything about us,we wouldn’t be in this situation right now.

Entle: O! And now it’s my fault? Did I also force you to be in a relationship with me? I didn’t cheat on you.You are the one who cheated on Nelisa with two best friends.You should start blaming yourself.

Ande: No,marn.If you didn’t tell that psycho friend of yours.You were both a mistake.

Entle: Go to hell!

The school is out and Ande is one of the last students to walk out of the gate.As soon as she walks out,Leroy appears behind her.

Leroy: You thought I wouldn’t find out what you’ve been doing with my girlfriend?

Ande: (not hearing a word because of earphones)

Leroy: Hey! I’m talking to you! (grabbing her by her back pack and pinning her against the fence) You thought I wouldn’t find out?

Ande: Dude,I swear this is not how it happened.Okay?

Leroy: I came to you and asked for your help but this whole time it’s been you?

Ande: Look,Leroy,I tried to tell you but I knew you wouldn’t believe me.That girl is crazy.

Leroy: You betrayed me! You betrayed my trust! To me you were not just a friend but it felt like I had a brother in you regardless of your gender and this is what you do to me? (pushing her over again) Huh? Do you know what you’ve done? (taking out his knife and stabbing her)

The security form school calls an ambulance and the police immediately.

Nelisa: Hey,you’re awake.(smiling)

Sis’Connie: Oh,my child.How are you feeling?

Ande: In pain,ma.

Sis’Connie: Don’t worry,the doctor said you will be fine and you are going home tomorrow.

Ande: That’s great news.I’m so sorry,mom.

Sis’Connie: It’s okay,my child.We can talk about that later.Nelisa’s parents are here to see you.

Mr Zondi: Yes.(looking firmly into Ande’s eyes) Nelisa has told us a lot about you but sadly we meet under these circumstances.Now my daughter tries to kill herself because of you.

Ande: What?

Mrs Zondi: If I haven’t left my phone at home that day,we would be saying something else right now.

Nelisa: (tears streaming down her chicks)

Mr Zondi: Which is why my wife and I decided it would be best if she went to stay with her grandmother.Away from here and all this drama.

Nelisa: I will always love you,Ande.(brushing Ande’s hand smiling and wiping her tears)

Ande: (holding Nelisa’s hand) I’m so sorry….(letting tears out)