It’s the wedding day
Pastor: People we are here to unite these two souls emotionally and legally so if they is anyone who says these two should not get married he or she should speak up or forever be in peace
Mthobisi: Aphelele Babe I can’t marry you
Aphelele:What babe what are you saying
Mthobisi: I’m sorry ( He leaves)
Aphelele: Mthobisi stop where are you going
Thando : Sister leave him he does not love you
Aphelele: No he can’t just leave me like that ( She follows him)
Thando: Sister !! Sister
Aphelele: Mthobisi!!! Stop !!! Babe lisean to me
(While Aphelele was chasing Mthobisi she was hit by a car)
Thando: Sister wake up
Mthobisi: Aphelele Babe wake up please
Thando: Stop stay away from my sister all this is because of you. If only did you not leave her in the wedding dias this would not have happened
Mthobisi: Thando this is not a time for this let rush her to the hospital fast
(They went to the hospital)
Thando:Doctor how is she??
Mthobisi:Is she fine??
Doctor: Unfortunately she lost her baby and she can’t walk anymore
Mthobisi: Was she pregnant??
Doctor:Yes , I’m sorry. My deepest condolences.
Thando: See now are you happy my sister can’t walk anymore because of you and she lost her baby. Are you happy now ,You sartified .
Mthobisi: Please stop it ,I also lost a baby too I’m hurt too . My baby (crying)
Thando: Just leave .
Mthobisi: I want to see her
Thando: Leave (shouting)
(Mthobisi leaves)
Aphelele: Mthobisi!! Mthobisi (talking in her sleep)
Thando: Shhhhhhhh!!! Shhhhhhhhh don’t speak I’m here okay.
Aphelele: (Waking up) Thando why can’t I feel my legs what wrong with them ??
Thando: Sister you cannot walk anymore, And…..And……
Aphelele: And what??…you lost your baby
Aphelele: What ?? Was I pregnant ( crying)
Thando : Yes ( crying)
Aphelele:Does he know . Does Mthobisi know??
Thando: Yes but he left I chased him out .The doctor said he will discharge you soon. Maybe tomorrow.