It’s afternoon Aphelele is talking to her future husband Mthobisi

Aphelele: You know babe I still can’t believe that we are going to be husband and wife

Mthobisi: Yeah me too

Aphelele: You know babe it’s been a while, since high school we love each other we are made for each other

Mthobisi:Are the wedding preparations ready??

Aphelele:Yeah babe I mean tomorrow we are getting married and how can the wedding preparations be not ready

Mthobisi: Yeah you are right

(Ringing Mthobisi’s phone)

Mthobisi: Hello (He stands up and leave)

Sinaye: So did you think about what I told you ??

Mthobisi: Sinaye why did you call me , please stop what you are doing this is not right

Sinaye: So was breaking my heart right ?? You think you can play me and then ditch me you have another thing coming, So what will you do because if you get married then Aphelele will die.

Mthobisi: I won’t get married

Sinaye: Good boy .Bye (switches off the phone)

Aphelele:: Babe who is on the phone

Mthobisi: No one wrong number ( lying)

Will the wedding take place??