Amanda : [laughing] There is no leave! Piet.. You can go!
Piet : Please Boss-lady!
Amanda : I know there no wife, you only have that hairdresser girlfriend of yours, and I know definitely she wants no kids
Piet: Haaa! Boss-lady.. Please
[Door Knocking]
Amanda : Come in!
[Opens Door]
[Felicia and Amo enter]
Amanda : Amo! Is that you?
Amo: In the flesh! I see life been treating you fresh!
Amanda : Piet was just about to leave, thank you Felicia you can go..
[Felicia and Piet exit the Office]
Amo: So! How you doing sister!
Amanda : [Gasping] Very good and you!
Amo: I did not actually come here to buy your dresses and stuff!
Amanda : What are you here for?
Amo: The money is out! The millions are finally out!
Amanda : Really!
Amo: Yes!
[At the Store room]
Piet: What are we doing here pinkie
Pinkie : I want to show you something!
Piet : What?
Pinkie : [whispering] You see this bag!
Piet: Yes!
Pinkie: It is a bag of designer clothes..
Piet: Yes! I know
Pinkie : Well! Since you are security, can you help me..
Piet: How?, wait.. You want me to help you steal Amanda’s clothes
Pinkie : We can sell the money and make some good money!
Piet : You are asking too much, Yoh!
Pinkie : I know that you are tempted, do what is it going to be yes or no!
[in Amanda’s Office]
Amanda : So you killed your husband, to get the insurance money!
Amo: It is not insurance money! It is billions
Amanda : Yoh!
Amo: Carlos was not a good husband
Amanda : And you killed him!
Amo: Carlos Flores cheated on me, and he had money.. So!
Amanda : So you will give 5 nyana!
Amo: Don’t worry sister!
Amanda : I sent the divorce papers to David!
Amo: Maybe you will get some settlement!
Amanda : I hope so!
Amo: You are weak! You should follow my footsteps
Amanda : Well! I’m not a murderer like you!
[At the Modipa Mansion]
David : [Opens the envelope] What is this?
[Door bell rings]
David : I’m coming! [Walks towards the door, as he opens the door] Ahh! What a surprise!
Rorisang : Good afternoon… Father!
David : What did she say?
Rorisang : She was talking all about love and what so not!
David : [Fakes a laugh] Can you believe she sent me divorce papers..
Rorisang : Really!
David : Can you believe she want to leave me for you, foolish she does not know that you are my estranged son.
Rorisang : I hope this plan of yours works! [Walks towards the TV room]
David : It will don’t worry, so did you!
Rorisang : Yes! I did.. I feel so dirty..
David : It’s not like…
Rorisang : I slept with my step-mom .. Literally..
David : She is your same age..
Rorisang : You are her sugar-daddy.. You are married to her.. Making her my step-mom
David : [David walks towards the TV room] We all make bad decisions son!
Rorisang : [Opens a glass of whiskey] Yah! We all make bad decisions!
[At the Store room]
Pinkie : Is it yes or no!
Piet : The answer is no! Pinkie
Pinkie : Bathong! Pietrous Maje Kekana
Piet: Keng!
Pinkie : I’m asking you! Kao kgopela.. Asemblief tog!
Piet: It is a crime!
Pinkie : That is worth!
Piet: Sorry! I can’t betray Amanda of Felicia
Pinkie : Think about situation back at home.. Stop being selfish. Things about your brother.
Piet: Stop!
Pinkie : Think about family
Piet : Stop!
Pinkie : Think about you!
Piet: Stop!
Pinkie : Think about money!
Piet: Pinkie… Pinkie!
Pinkie : Is that a yes or no!
Piet: It is a yes!
[In Amanda’s fashion store]
Amanda : Where have you been?
Rorisang : Taking up.. Air.. You know!
Amanda : OK.. But I don’t like you just disappearing like fart
Rorisang : Don’t worry, I won’t..
Amanda : Rorisang! Please talk to me?
Rorisang : What is there to talk?
Amanda : Let’s go to my Office!
[At the store room]
Pinkie: OK! Here is the plan!
Piet: Yes?
Pinkie : I’m going to take this suitcases full of designer wear and jewelry. You gonna have to switch off all the security nton nton at the back!
Piet : So you use the back door to exit6
Pinkie : Yah.. After that it’s finished.. We have money! She won’t see anything there are too many clothes in this store!
[At the Modipa Mansion]
[Door bell rings]
David : Who is it?
[Continuous Door Bell ringing]
David : Don’t damage my doorbell, I said I’m coming.
[Walks to the Doors, as He opens the Door]
Amo: Hi!
David : [Fakes a gasp] If it’s not my Sister-in-law
Amo: [walks in as she pulls her suitcases with her]
David : Looking beautiful as eve
Amo: [smiles] Although I love the compliments don’t forget you married to my sister!
David : Of course!