Melissa wanted to end all of this…so one night she packs her bags quietly and leaves to her friend’s house ; She knocked until she opened..
Enhle- So late..
Melissa- I wanna tell you something..please let me in
Enhle- yoh ayy yini( sits on the kitchen chair )
Melissa- (sits on the other kitchen chair)I noticed my dad bought a woman home and this woman made me her slave; she would beat me up for no reason…strangled me at night..and my dad said I’m an orphan..He sold me for foster care…my own dad…they stopped me from schooling..If I don’t make breakfast or supper; they best me up …this life!!!
Enhle- That’s not my problem seriously …
Melissa: Please; I need a place to best friend please…(cries)
Enhle- It’s not my problem hawu..You can die too there…I don’t care..and get out too..I wanna sleep..
Melissa cried and left to her aunty’s house;Her aunty looked irritated when she came…
Melissa- I need a place to stay..please.
Aunty-. why so late; isn’t your father is there?
Melissa- I’m being abusived there; please bear with me..I’ll do anything..
Aunty- So you think I’m your mother?
Melissa- Please aunty..please..I’ll do anything you want me to do..
Aunty- I don’t care and die if you have to .(slams the door )
Melissa then ran the distance to her granny’s house; She knew her aunty hated her and her mother before that she tried killing them..she was far too scared to go back home right now..
Granny – What’s wrong?(yawns and opens the door)
Melissa- That woman wants to kill me..
Granny- Who? The stepmom?..
Melissa- Yeah…My father bringed her home; She started abusing me and demanding ; she made me a slave too and my father made me a maid and told that l’m a orphan to Home Affairs and they beat me if l don’t serve them what they want..why this is happening to me?-
Granny- So sorry to hear this but you need to go back there…
Melissa- No l can’t do that..What if l die? please…
Granny- It’s a plan..You pretend to be stubborn next morning and let her beat you..And l’ll be hiding with the police…
Melissa- Will this work?
Granny- I care Melissa and trust me it’ll work..