Ora: you are crazy!
Oya: are you saying that to me!
(Door Opens, Zweli walks to the lounge room)
Zweli : what is all this racket about!
Ora : come and hear what your wife just said!
Oya : are you saying that to me!
Ora : yes!.. No…
Zweli : shut up.. Everyone Shut your mouths
[At the Vukase Royal Palace Chambers]
Preist : Prince Vutosa Vukase! Do you take Rose Valentino as your lawfully wedded husband!
Vuto : I do!
Priest : you may kiss the bride!
(Rose and Vuto start kissing)
[At the Vukase Royal Palace bedroom]
Harriet : No hello! You already know me! I just came here to tell you a secret!
King Senzo : (opens eyes) Har.. Harri… Harriet! Is that you!
Harriet : oh yes! It is me (starts patting Senzo’s hair)
King Senzo : (statters) What are you doing here!
Harriet : I’m here to tell you a secret! A sweet secret! Do you want to know that secret!
King Senzo : what Secret Harriet?
Harriet : the secret is that! I killed you (laughs)
[At the Valentino Residence]
Ora: I won’t kill my baby, as long as my name is Orianda Valentino
Oya: No! My baby..like your father, you were desperate to be a Vukase… Now if your name still leans by the Valentino surname, you have no choice
Zweli : My wife.. Lets talk about this!
Oya: you shut up! How could you sell my daughter for sex labour
Ora: (crying) what kind of mother asking your daughter to abort her baby
Oya: Im a mother.. A mother! And note that I did not give birth to a one night stand result
Zweli : that is rude!
Oya : one more word Zweli, I will slap you and make you gay
Zweli : Madame.. Calm down!
Oya : where is my Rose! Actually! Get out of my house.. Get out, everyone get out!