Harriet : What have you done Aya!

Aya: I did what I. Should have done long Time ago!

Vuto: call the doctor! Call. Him now

Aya: I will be back!

Werner: what should we do!

Harriet : (shouts) Rose! Call the family doctor, right now!

Johanna : oh! King Senzo, how will I live without you

Vuto: (carries the bleeding King Senzo) I moving him to the bedroom, as for you mother bring cloths and venigar.. I will try something!

[At the Royal Vukase Chambers]

Harriet : my armies! Your Ruthless has been stabbed! I want you to find Aya, and when you find him.. Kill him OK!

The Vukase Army: Yes! Madame

Harriet : Good! You are dismissed!

[At the Valentino Residence]

Zweli : why did you not go to work today!

Ora: Dad! I’m not well, you know!

Zweli : you could have told me, then I would have had medicine!

(Door Opens, Door Closes)

Oya : what is happening!

Zweli : apparently, she is sick!

Oya: Nevermind! Apparently Aya stabbed king Senzo, in the heart

Zweli : (gasps) it really can’t be!

Oya: to think of it! Aya bought a new suit.. Today!

Ora: So where is this Aya!

Oya: don’t you see the adults are still talking!

Ora: sorry!

Oya: but to answer your questions! I also don’t where she is! But then there is an important matter I want to talk to all of you about!

Zweli : what is that about?

Oya: I no longer want my daughter to work as a maid.

Zweli : we talked about this!

Oya: imagine I work as fashion icon, then I let my daughter slave for the bloody Vukase!

Zweli : slave!

Oya: yes! That is indeed the right word!

Ora: come on Mom! She is just a maid..

Oya: you have always been jealous of your sister, don’t let me remind you that!

Zweli : No! I won’t let that happen!

Oya: oh! Because you want them to choose her as the new bride to marry Vuto, or you want to have a sourced relationship between you and king!

Zweli : Sourced!

Oya: yes! You are just using using my daughter as your awful source!

[At the Vukase Royal Palace Balcony ]

Harriet : tell me he is OK!

Doctor : uhm!

Harriet: is he OK!

Doctor : he is just..

Harriet : tell me right now mann!

Vuto: Mom! Let the Doctor speak mann!

Harriet : OK! OK! Tell us Vulani!

Doctor: he is not! The knife went in too Deep!

Harriet : so! Will you able to do something!

Doctor : yes! But it is a risk

[At the Vukase Royal Palace Ball hall]

Harriet : I can see the decoration is doing great

Oya: yes! We just left with a few touches, then I will be out of your skin

Harriet : OK then! I want to talk to you about something!

Oya: what! I also wanted to talk to you about something!

Harriet : your daughters, Ora and Rose!

Oya : what about them, Madame!

Harriet : Ora slept with Senzo, instead of Rose sleeping with Senzo

Oya: what do you mean! What are you talking about?

Harriet : as you know, I made a deal with Zweli, that he may give me Rose, as Rose will keep my bed warm!

Oya: what are you talking about?

Harriet : Rose did not pitch last night! Instead Ora came disguised as Rose, then she slept with Senzo!

Oya: (gasps) it can’t be!

Harriet : your daughter! Ora has threatened me, tell me that she is pregnant!

Oya: (collapses on the floor)

[At the Valentino Residence]

Zweli : I don’t what is the problem with your mother!.

Ora: I dont care about that! I can’t wait for the ball tommorow night!

Zweli : make us proud!

Ora: i really can’t wait to get married to the Royalty!

[At the Vukase Royal Palace bedroom]

Harriet : wakey wakey sleppy head!

Oya: where am I?

Harriet : you are in my palace!

Oya: oh! Yeh.. I must have dozed off

Harriet : yes! You collapsed after hearing your daughter’s cruel dirty secrets!

Oya: you know, I don’t believe you!

Harriet : believe it! Or not.. It is true!

Oya: you also contributed to this!

Harriet : I had no choice, what happens when the king gets bored with his wife, he asked me to look for someone to warm his bed, and Zweli quickly nominated his daughter!

Oya: his daughter! My foot..how could he!

Harriet : so! What are now! You listen to me!

Oya : I’m going! I’m sorry Madame Harriet!

Harriet : no don’t be there is one thing you could do?

Oya: what?

[At the Valentino Residence]

Rose: I’m back! What is for dinner!

Ora: I cooked!

Rose: you cooked! That is the first!

Ora: what.. I always cook

Rose: when mom forced you! Why is your mood happy!

Ora: are you hungry or not!

Rose: I am famished! Let me put my bags then shower I will come back to eat, where is Father?

Ora: he is in the bedroom! And guess what!

Rose: What!

Ora: Mom! Does not want you to work at the Palace!

Rose: Finally!

Ora: but Dad! Disagrees..

Rose: why! I’m tired.. Why is he so evil

Ora: don’t bite my head!

Rose : I’m going to tell him where to get off!

(Rose Walks to her Parents Bedroom)

Ora: drama! I want to see this one!

(Ora follows Rose)

(Door Opens)

Rose: so you do enjoy seeing me as a slave

Zweli : this is your parent’s bedroom, not a bathroom

Rose: do you enjoy seeing me clean up their bathrooms heh!

Zweli : what are you talking about!

Rose: I have always wanted to work in fashion! Now that I have a chance! You take that away from me!

Zweli : Ora! Did you have to tell her

Ora: sorry father!

Zweli : as for you! I won’t tolerate this level of disrespect and disappointment

Rose: disrespect, Dissatisfied, Disappointment! It surprising on how you can find words to describe!

Zweli : what do you mean! Do you mean I don’t know English!

Rose: but what you are doing right now Zweli! Is called brutal evil, it is cruel.. Selling your daughter to Royalty!