What if we all just living in an infinite dream? Then what is reality and without reality what is our purpose in this world we can all see that we are living in times where nothing is more important than purpose.why do we do the things we do are we designed for failure are we creatures of distraction? All this questions lead to one answer we are human and we are bound to make mistakes, we are destined for greatness and also struggle.

Through struggle we learn and understand our limits we burn and we learn not to play with fire and we teach the next generation the same thing but what happens if we start being immune to pain? We lose meaning to life and we do not not have anything to motivate us to become better than yesterday. So does this mean that we do things based on impulse? Hell yes.

Bruce why this book what is the purpose of this book? This book is your best friend your wake up call,this book is that one good friend you wish you could slap for being too honest and telling you how it is straight to your face,this book will help you navigate through struggles and pain but acknowledge that pain is not the enemy but you are your own worst enemy if you constantly play the victim and seek perfection instead of working on your shortcomings and finding a way to use pain as your motivation to achieve your bestself discipline in terms of finding solutions.

What if pain is the true meaning of life, yes pain is what let’s us know how to navigate the next phase of our lives, if people break your heart and you decide to isolate and give less f’s that is motivated by pain and if you find love and hang on to it with all your being you do it because of the pain you’ve felt before or the pain you don’t want to feel. Let me make a scenario for you if you get hurt physically you activate the purpose of pain that calls for help,care and a visit to the hospital with this said I want to stress the importance of pain, say we never feel pain again until we die what do you think would happen to the world? The need for hospitals,medication and mental health wouldn’t be necessary and understand me when i tell you that in order for one to feel sympathy and be considerate pain is required because if you have experienced pain you understand empathy and you learn how to react to certain things or humans I am not going to tell you about good/bad right/wrong no I’m simply trying to show you how pain can force both humans and animals to wake and remember that they are alive and have feelings,which may encourage one to be fully aware and present in the current moment or situation.

Love is 50% comprised of pain and hate is misused loved which can convert into a painful experience so through experiencing physical and emotional pain we learn forgiveness by understanding our own pain and make better decisions based on the pains of past. Pain does not care about your feelings it is just present and active so if you don’t acknowledge pain then you do not acknowledge being alive and this means you’ve lost the meaning and purpose of your existence. Also not being aware of your pain alters your decision making and perspective on certain things. Lets shift our attention to out in the wild where animals face immense pain and struggle to survive the harsh world we live in but they do not run away from their nature and seek a more comfortable way of surviving instead they strive for greatness right in the middle of hardships and danger they faced with, a lion will not stop hunting because its too hot or cold it will forcefully find a way to make it work in order to survive and this is the purpose they understand and have adapted to accepting.

Humans are obsessed with comfortability and perfection so much that we forget to be present in the now because we are comfortable with being fragile in a harsh cruel world, have you noticed how hard it is to find true love or a perfect partner to spend the rest of life with? Hell yeah you have what kind of question is that. There is no perfect partner you just make it work or waste your time searching for the impossible,making it work is the purpose of this thing we call life just like how going to the gym will not guarantee you instant and desired result but you find a way to make it work by being consistent in the idea of wanting to do better than yesterday this is the key to unlocking our potential as humans by acknowledging our struggles and accepting them as they are but try to make it work in our favor,hunger is another form of pain if hunger does not push you to do better to change your situation then something is wrong with your existence.

Bruce why did you think is was a good idea to publish such a boring book? No not realy but I had to make it work because the first book was awesome and on point and i put my all into it but then i forgot to save it and i lost it now the pain of regret that this caused me led me to try again and push for this book to reach your eyes by any means necessary even if it is not as good as the previous one i lost(oh man I cried so hard for that book the hours i put into the writing of that book is just priceless) enough about my tears I honestly think that this is suppose to motivate you to go after your dreams knowing that it is okay to face challenges because without pain, how are we to know if we really want something or not? Exactly so we both agree that pain is a necessity and great motivation for growth and change.

Bruce are you really writing about yourself in third person? Yes stupid I am and I do not care because I have to do this I mean this is how the first book that I lost was written and it pains me to not know how the book would have done in terms of sales and all that so publishing this book is motivated by the pain of losing my first masterpiece so it brings me joy that I managed to write another book in an hour my loss pushed me to understand my shortcomings and view them as necessary pain.

I have an ex girlfriend I can not stop thinking about because we hurt each so much the pain brings back all the great memories and love we share,and this pain makes me realize that I still love her because I can acknowledge the pain we have caused one another and still want to fix the present moment in order to maybe try to fix our relationship if the chance arises,I understand that pain will always be a part of any relationship I have but the question is am I willing to go through the pain in order to make the relationship work? Yes of course I am willing to go through the pain in order to make things work which will lead to a more happy and ideal relationship but if I say I am not willing to go through the pain then I’m just saying I do not want to be in a relationship and work through it to make it work. Life is about choices and making them with a conscious understanding of the past,present and future.

So now the question changes from what if pain is the true meaning of life to what are you willing to give to make pain work for you?