Do not take my quietness for lack of intelligence,do not take my simplicity for weakness ,a smile from me is not just a fleeting gesture, but a genuine expression of joy and warmth. When it comes to the time I give you,it doesn’t mean I don’t have anything better to do but i try to commit to the love I’m suppose to show you ,so do not take my love and commitment to you for a vulnerable person.
“My quiet nature often gets misinterpreted. You assume it’s a sign of weakness or timidness. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
In reality, my stillness is a source of strength. It allows me to tune in to the world around me, to listen more deeply, and to feel more intensely.
It’s a shield that protects me from the chaos and noise that can be overwhelming. And it’s a bridge that connects me to my own heart, soul, and intuition.
So, don’t let my quietness fool you. I’m not weak or shy. I’m simply a deep thinker, a thoughtful listener, and a compassionate soul.”