I did not realise how important his presence was!

It took me several year to recognise that I am the one who messed it up! Fake friends led me to an unending black cliff.

If only i were to be aware on how it will end I wouldn’t allow then to interrupt my flow of love.

The time he observed my changes in his life he did not drag me to do what he likes not even to argue against my decisions.

That led my thoughts to the other way round of thinking that he does not love me he does not care!

All of a sudden i would see that my changes to him are highly visible but he did not utter any word over it or even only paying attentions on my late comings in the mid evening.!

I tried by all means to make him urge sorrowful word but he remaind in a such unpreasant silence!

On sudden moments I’ve been receiving peer pressure from my Buddies to let him so and go on enjoying life!

He did not buy any word from me but i could see that he is hurt inside😌

I left him without saying any such word and went away chasing happy life.

Unfortunately life has chosen me. Kwashintsha ukudl’etafuleni😑

Ngamkhumbula UMusa,ngajika umdlalo wabafana iSoccer bengidlala Nhlobo ye Rugby ayikho into engangingayenza njalo because yiyona yodwa into engangithola ngayo okwethunjini

Yatshova iminyaka uMhlaba ungihlaba nxa zonke ngalukhumbula uthando luka Musa kodwa ke ngasengiDlelwe ithuba yikati.

Angidelanga kalula njalo ngaqubeka ngizama impilo.

Kwakutsho njalo ukuthi ngiphindele emuva kodwa ke ibuye idingide ingqondo uMusa wayengenalo ngisho ikati lokubulala iGundwane

I decided to head to eSigodini Bulawayo lapho engangizozama khona impilo.

My knees went weak by the time I heard a sweeet familiar voice calling my Name


I analyzed the voice before i turn to see who ‘Might it be mandla’ I thought. No i was wrong when I turned to face i met a car Bell again from the Caller!

Who can that be? No accurate answer. If It’s Musa then what about Zimbabwe National Water Authority Van?

Is it Musa or my eyes are lying to me? How can Musa be working at ZINWA company? Those where the questions banging with my 5 senses!

I reached the car I still did not recognise the face.

Who can be a light chocolate skinned as this guy?

Musa was as dark as a burnt wood but maybe it was according the sufferings of poverty.

Whe i drew closer and closer I saw a label at the back of his Phone written in Broad words “UDARLIE NGUWE”

It reminded me of U Musa amagama ayewasho umangithi uyangijolela.

My visions came through it was him Musa. Angibamba amahloni ngahluleka ukuzilawula iNyembezi zimpompoza nobuso ngahlihla okwenqama evaleke amakhala wavula iscabha wanganga zageleza ngesfuba inyembezi ngizisola kakhulu ngesenzo sami engangisenze uMusa. Sachonsa inyembezi isikipa ayesigqokile ngayizwa imfudumalo nothando ekushayeni kwenhliziyo yakhe ngalalelisisa ngakholisa ngamthanda okudlulele kodwa uNembeza wawungishaya ungeqe mangicabanga ububi bami engibenzile

Wangikhulula esifubeni sakhe washo amazwi enduduzo.

“Kumnyama kubomvu Udarlie nguwe loba ngabe ungenzani okukhulu wena uhlezi uthandwa yimina noma ngabe ungangithandi mina ngizohleli ngikuthanda uyafana nosuku lokuqala ngiqala ukuthi Udarlie nguwe, uzohlale ungowami noma ngabe ungafuni . Kwakungayona inhloso yami ukuba yindoda eswelayo kwakuyikuthanda kukaNkulunkulu Njalo ukuthula ngingasho lanto ngelanga ungishiya angifungile kodwa kwakhombisa ukuthi angeke ngime endleleni yakho. Ukuthula noxolo kuyawukhulula umoya wami nasothandweni lenhluphekweni kodwa anginawo amanengi uDarlie Nguwe”

Ukuthula NoXolo

Ngyaamthanda uDarlie angeke ngizixolele kulokhu engakwenza yena kodwa yena waxola njengoba eshilo ukuthula noxolo kuyawulapha umphefumulo odabukile