Learn to love your self more than anything else in this world. Loving yourself starts with loving your heart and taking good care of it.If you love your self better, sometimes you have to consider how your heart feels about the kind of treatment are you giving it.Learn to ask your self these questions.my heart is happy with me ?,is this relationship worth it and for that matter is it worth causing my heart to bleed each day and night until it stopped working,Is it worth trying and patience,I am the one who is responsible to make it work.These are the questions that you should ask your self every day for your benefit and for your heart in order to stay loved and cared for.you can stay in the relationship that is not working and that does not benefit you with anything.If you are not loved why are you continue to make your heart bleeds.why are you giving it that kind of a treatment . love starts with loving yourself.Make a use of self introspection asking your self that is your body and your heart happy with what you are doing and how you treat each one of them . staying in a relationship for lusting or for people or friends won’t leave you with anything but disappointments,pains and either break you apart .If it is not meant to be leave it .You not the one to make . Relationship worth trying partners .you can’t be the only one who is trying. Both you and your partner should contribute towards making your relationship work if you both love each other.love worth supporting,loving,caring . when you love someone truly you had to make sure that you don’t lose that person and try by all means to keep that person for ever yours .