I hope you think of us sometimes. I hope you think of what we were before the thread that stitched our souls together wore thin,before the heart that held our union ruptured. I hope you swell with tenderness when you think about our first kiss,how we kept getting it wrong or how sweet and subtle it was,as if we were almost afraid to bite off our tongues that spoke softness into each other,tongues that tangled into a soothing love poem.

I hope you sometimes think of us before the tears and the strangles.I hope the inevitable reality that we were written by the gods and goddesses aligned,never outgrows its wings,wings we coloured on your blue carpet,drunk on cheap wine wearing mismatched socks with cats on them listening to White Ferrari by Frank Ocean. I imagine you still cry to the outro.

I hope you sometimes think of us. about who we were before lying next to each other made our bodies ache. before us nestling into a hug became unfamiliar. before you threw out your blue carpet. before you wrote poems with razors on your wrists and made us read them together on Saturdays,our favourite day of the week. how we would dismally fail and would have to the guess what we were,where we stood and if we would skip prayer that night. before we skipped prayers and supper on Saturdays. before our bodies became graves of butterflies. before we learnt it is entirely possible to die for a person,with a person and still walk past them as if they never existed,as if you never found warmth in them.

I hope you think about us back when our bickering hearts were as quiet as night. I hope you always remember that falling in love with each other was probably the last thing we did right.