It feels just like yesterday when my academic year started and I had imagined that it would be a great year ahead of me as I would be having enough time to prepare and plan for what I wanted to achieve this year.Just like any other learner who would be excited to be in the twelveth grade ,I had envisioned this year to be the best year and the last stepping stone of all those academic years I have managed to thrive through.
Time seemed to go by without much getting done ,I was so relaxed one would swear I had nothing to commit to , something that would be of great benefit to me if I could just endure the pressure o felt from the get-go atleast just for this year.If only I had managed to convince myself to preservere even when it gets hard and always remember what my mother would say everytime I complained about how everything about completing grade 12 was a little bit too much,”be uncomfortable just for this one-year to be comfortable with the decisions you took at a tender age for the rest of your life “.
It is only recently that I noticed that time had really gone by and just like hoe they would say ,waits for no man ,even myself included.i would now get things down at the last minute or I would not do it at all.Now procrastination would be to define what I would battle with before getting an important task done .
I would either be too tired after coming back from school or I would be postponing getting an important task done as in my mind I would be having pretty much enough time to prepare which would suddenly seem to have disappeared and would haveme submitting assignments that I would not have given my utmost best .
It is only now that I have come to understand the saying that a sticbin time saves nine as I can relate to it following the regrets i am having after wasting the little time i had to prepare &to perform to the best of my abilities.I have decided to change the narrative of my story , rewrite it & dedicate enough time towards my academics because just like anyone who would only want good for themselves,I would not want to find myself uttering words like “I wish I had “& end up living in regrets.