I believe I’ve spent too much time fixating on the clouds, on the sky’s embrace. I’ve captured its beauty with my soul, making it easy to close my eyes and relive those moments. In my focus on the clouds, I’ve neglected the sun, the moon, and the stars – the other celestial bodies that offer their unique brilliance.

I suspect some people miss out on the moon’s beauty by sleeping early. And I know many don’t truly appreciate the sun, remaining oblivious to its struggles when it blazes with unbearable heat.

What should I do when I encounter such breathtaking skies? Should I simply observe the hues, reflect on them deeply, and then cherish those memories? I don’t want to forget the unique beauty of every cloud formation.

For now, I will cherish these memories and turn my attention to appreciating the moon.

Oh, dear moon, I haven’t forgotten about you. You are the confidante who knows my darkest secrets, my joys, my tears, and my happiest moments. You have witnessed the purest parts of me.

Will you grant me the opportunity to appreciate you, to share my wonders and my random thoughts as I gaze upon you, to laugh and cry with you? Will you embrace me now as I unfold the truth to you? You are my forever and always.