One day it was a school day I woke up late the dog took all plates and play with them and when they see those plates they started to insulte me blaming me they beat me until I leave to go to school the next morning I went to school the teacher’s asked me were we,re you they asked me and I started to cry they took me to the starf room and ask me question what’s wrong I told them every thing they called social worker to see what happened that day I took them to my mother’s house when my mother see me coming with the social workers

They closed the gate and say no one wii entire this home go back we’re you come from I started to cry thinking that tonight I will have no place to sleep the social workers took me back to school and say they are taking me to care center they took my grand from my mother

After one month when my mother see that she did not receive grant for me she came to the care center to say she is sorry for what she has done to me and she ask me to forgive her and I told that I am not mad at her the social workers gave me courage not to leave school until I finish grade 12 me and my mother lived the difference life with love and joy