“Chiku, you’re a wonderful person, but I don’t think we can continue dating. I need you to move on and find someone who suits you better,” she told me.
I can’t even remember what was going through my mind at that moment, but I was utterly shocked by the words my girlfriend, the person I’d been with for nearly three years, had just said to me. She was asking me to move on from her, and I couldn’t believe it.
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what led to this heartbreaking moment. So, please, have a seat and let me share my heartbreaking story with you.
At that point, I had been in a relationship with this girl for almost three years, and I’d consider it a healthy relationship. She was the center of my world, and I had distanced myself from most of my friends to be with her. She meant everything to me, and I dedicated a significant amount of time and resources to make her happy.
She chose to break the news while we were having lunch at one of the town’s most famous restaurants. I thought it was a terrible idea to end things in such a public place. How could I possibly show my emotions in front of so many people?.
Before I even asked her if she was sure about her decision, I checked the date on my phone, hoping it wasn’t some cruel April Fools’ prank. To my dismay, it was far from April Fools’ Day. I repeatedly questioned her about her certainty, and each time, she affirmed that she was 100% sure.
I mustered the courage to ask her why she had made this painful choice. She simply said, “Chiku, you’re not the problem; it’s me. I can’t explain it, but my feelings for you have faded, and I no longer feel anything.” I felt like I was going to pass out, but I found strength in my mother’s prayers that had kept me going.
I didn’t say much, just settled the bill for our meal, and left the restaurant with a million thoughts racing through my mind. I can’t recall how I got home, as my thoughts were consumed by trying to figure out what I had done wrong to drive her away.
I was alone in my room, crying and asking myself how I would survive without her in my life. You have to understand that I loved this girl with my whole heart and soul.
I decided to call her best friend to ask if she knew what her friend had done to me. Her reply was simple: “Move on. Because that friend isn’t coming back to you.”
I cried day and night and battled depression. Even the music that had always been a source of comfort, especially hip-hop, lost its meaning to me. There was one song that resonated with me, and I can’t understand why the Ministry of Health hasn’t put “Maury” by Namadingo on sale in pharmacies and hospitals.
I remember that my friends made fun of my situation. I almost lost my temper with a close friend who said, “This guy is losing weight because of being dumped, who does that?” People laughed, not realizing how much the girl meant to me.
I recall vividly the dark thoughts I had when I saw a rope and a tree. My intentions weren’t good, and I might have followed through.
Another day, while minding my own business, I saw the girl I loved kissing a guy I considered a friend. It shattered my heart, and I felt such anger that I even thought of violence, I picked a huge stone, with a plan to hit the guys’ head.
As I was rushing to where these people were having fun, I was awakened by a friend knocking on my window, and I realized it was just a dream, it was Felix waking me up to play FIFA video game.
But the dreams were really heartbreaking.
In reality, the girl was someone I had asked out, and she had given the green light. All it took was asking her out one more time. But after that dream, I distanced myself. It’s true that God speaks through dreams.