Sam jotted down these suggestions, each one sparking his creativity and opening up possibilities for the surprising twist that would make his essay truly special.

With his father’s suggestions in mind, Sam sat down at his desk, ready to embark on the creative journey of writing his non-fiction essay. He thought about those magical summers with his grandfather and the cherished memories they had shared.

Instead of recounting the real ending of his summer adventures, Sam decided to infuse a twist into the story. He chose one of the plot twist ideas his dad had provided and began crafting a narrative that would captivate his readers with unexpected turns and revelations.

Sam’s fingers danced across the keyboard as he breathed life into the story, weaving together elements of reality and fiction to create a narrative that was both deeply personal and filled with surprises. He was excited to see how his chosen twist would impact the final piece, and he knew it would be a tale worth sharing.