Thando is a young girl who is just 13 and beautiful. She does very well at school and gets a lot of awards for her good performance at school. She has all she needs but she just can’t see it. Her mother and her family loves her but she just doesn’t see their love for her. Her mother tries with all she has to give her what she wants so that she can look like other kids even though her mother does not work. Sometimes Thando would just cry wishing that her mother was not her mother and she would think of committing suicide every time she is angry but something could just hold her back from doing that. One day Thando was very very sick that she couldn’t drink or eat anything. She was really so weak and for a while thought that she was going to die. Her mother came into the room and saw that she is very sick. Her mother became worried. Thando saw that and was surprised to see her mother worried about her being sick. Thando’s mother got a lot of medicine for Thando and really forced Thando to take them. Thando was so surprised looking at her mother’s worried face and the unconditional love of her mother for her. All these years she thought her mother did not love her and that her mother would be glad to see her die but she also realised that whatever she thought was a lie and that her mother love her more than anything and she would do anything to protect her over evil things. She took the medicine and hugged her mother so tight with a bright smile on her face, kissing her mother’s cheek, she told her mother that she truly love her and that after being a lawyer she would buy her mother a big house in Gauteng and her mother just smiled at her.