I don’t do life and business the conventional way. I may take inspiration here and there, but in most cases, I do what works for me.

Also, being Spiritually liberated has taught me that once you understand and accept your Spirituality, there is nothing you can not do. Spirituality is the foundation of everything; my wise leader said that when you reach spiritual maturity, you win in life. There is nothing you can not do. You get to a stage where you can be compared to a superhuman, where winning becomes your 2nd nature. 

Even if you don’t win in certain situations, you won’t be too hurt because you know next time, it will be your chance to win.

So this changes everything I have been told about. a jack of all trades is a master of none; now I get it. People who created this saying wanted to limit us to one thing. They feared that once we knew that we could do it all, we would be above them; they knew we would invent something that they had never thought could be created.

They wanted us to be afraid to dream because we are not supposed to do one thing, we need to focus on one thing.

I have learnt that your mind is the powerful weapon that you have been given so you can tackle life. Your mind can do anything. All you need is to focus on that one thing, finish it and move to the next. You can do different businesses that are in different industries; all you need to do is build it, and when it matures, move to the next.

I refuse to be known for just one thing for the sake of niching down. I will be known for everything my mind and spirit can achieve. Anything that I can be able to take.

It is not realistic that someone can only focus on one thing or business for the rest of their life when their mind keeps on having new ideas. 

What are we supposed to do about all these feasible ideas that we have that are not always in the same industry that we started in?

Good morning, that’s my take. My purpose is to tell stories. If today I wake up and decide to tell a story through marketing, I will do that, but if the next morning I decide to tell my story through film and TV, then I will do that.