Lilly was a little girl,when she start to talk and walk it was not good for both of her parents,her father just left lilly’s mother when things don’t go as lilly’s father wish for
When lilly’s mother got pregnant her father was very happy that one day people will call him someone’s dad,it was later about 7 month ago when Lucia was pregnant,she used to had a strong pain coming from her stomach,but an aware that will caused her a problem bcz she is pregnant.
One day Lucia got the same pain and she fast called her husband and told him to come home as quickly as he can,and when David answer his phone he hears lucia’s voice,pls babe can u come home like right now I’m feeling a strong pain coming from my stomach,then David in the meantime he told Lucia that “just gave me five minutes I will be there for u my love”
David arrive on time to their house and find Lucia laying on the floor with her stomach,he ask Lucia bbe what is wrong with u is the baby alright????Lucia reply,,,,,,,yes my love I think so,,,ooh this pain is getting worse pls take me to the hospital pls.david hold Lucia on his hand and took her to the car,bbe I open the car then I will put u into it so you can relax a little bit while I take u to the hospital.
Lucia get into the car and sit,while David was busy driving Lucia groon aaaaaah baby pls drive faster,than David said I’m trying my love just sit and relax we are not far from the hospital now,u just relax a little bit longer I’m already there,,,,,
They arrive at the hospital and the nurses saw them and ask what is the problem with this lady?? and David answer them that my wife she is having the pains,I don’t know if it is the labour pain or what??ohk sir let us do our work than we will let u know after we examine your wife,,,ohk thank you nurse I will be waiting.lucia when the nurses take her to labour Ward to check if she is in labour pain or what???they found out that lucia’s pain is the labour pain that bothers her,so they help her.
Lucia deliver a baby girl because already she and her husband named the baby bcz of they already knew that’s it is a girl from the Sona machine,the baby born and the nurse call David and told him that’s it’s a baby girl,iyoooh David was so happy to hear the good news than he enter the room to see Lucia,he said to her ooooh!!! My love you make me a proudest man in the world,and I thank u for that.
Lucia told David that me I’m also happy to deliver a healthy baby to this world,but I’m asking myself that this baby will leave a healthy baby life nah???David said to his wife ,why do you think so love????it is because our baby she come to this world while I’m seven month pregnant,,,,,,,,it took David a time to think what ever Lucia said to him.
Lucia my wife I think our baby will be alright be and she is going to be a healthy daughter to us,oohk says Lucia,than David left the hospital with high hopes,the next morning when David arrived early he heard a bad news from the nurses,that his baby is premature and also she is disabled,,,,,iyooh David he can’t believe what he hears on his ears,he again ask the nurses what????the nurse repeat your baby is disabled so she can’t walk or talk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
David shook his head and already by the time he go straight to the door of the hospital and left just like that,Lucia was in her room waiting for David while she is crying for her baby’s condition.that when she realized that David he left him for good with her baby girl.