I tried everything I could it’s like the world doesn’t want to swallow me. Hi my name is Lethabo Majola I’m a 13-14 year old girl I used to live with my mother in a city but I live in KZN with my grandma, cousins, aunt and older brother let me tell you a story.

It all started when I was going to do grade 7 and my little brother who came and stayed with me and my mom every thing was fine but I started noticing that I was being neglected by my parents since they were spending more time with my baby brother but since he was doing grade 1 I let it go but I started distancing myself from them. Everything was well until I started getting shouted at everything e.g they would shout at me if I didn’t clean the house but I did and my brother had returned from school and was playing inside and messed around the house so yeah back to the story I was starting to misbehave since I had been neglected then I started hiding my mom’s phone from her and not eating that’s when I realized I had started having depression to the point I pushed my friends away from everyone that cared about me then I started grade 8 in a new school everything was fine until someone started a rumor saying I was badmouthing two girls from my class but I didn’t and I kept it to myself but people from started believing it which led me to try and commit suicide to many times that I lost count but there was always someone who saved me from committing suicide then my mom and dad told me that I’m going to study at KZN for the second term. I was crying, begging them to not send me away but they didn’t agree so thats how I ended up in KZN everything was fine but my aunt and grandma kept telling me that being disobedient is the reason why I’m here and they kept treating me like an outsider but next year I’ll go and live with my mother after I told her everything they did to me

❤️See you guys on my next story about my life ❤️