This December is not decembering shame. 2024 has been terrible for me, I don’t want to lie. I tried by all means to survive but I failed. Imagine giving all your best everyday and still remain in one place. My festive season has been depressing to be honest. Being broke in festive season is not a child’s playground.

This year I really felt pressure of what’s going on outside. I watched my peers coming home with their new cars, and other building new homes for their parents. Then there’s me. I still live my parents. No job, no nothing. How do you guys stay motivated? ‘Cause personally I have failed couple of times. This is not the life I chose to live.

I’m so lonely. Fundza mobisite has been my comfort zone for days. But when I logout reality kicks in. I don’t know what to do now. I hope 2025 will bring something new in my life. I need something positive that can also be a solution to my problems. I hope my sorrow turns into joy.