What do you do:

When everything you do just doesn’t have an outcome?

When in the eyes of men, you have became a “thing” to be sexually assaulted?

When you try to get through the hardship but it just seems impossible?

Many questions invade my mind every now and then. I ask myself, how did I get here and where to from here? It feels so sad not having answers to your own question.

I should say 2022 hasn’t been a great year not only to me but to many others out there. One of the hardest things I had to deal with is being sexually assaulted and almost everyday I ask myself, why me? Well I came to terms with this is life and not everyday will run smoothly. We got to face challenges. There are some challenges that are meant to destroy us but we always gotta be strong.

Now think about everything you been through but you manage to get through it because you are strong and believe that the impossible can be possible. Whenever you feel like the world is against you try to think of your favourite Bible verse or a verse that can relate to the situation you in at that time. Cry if you have to, ask God to guide you because God can never put you in a situation you can’t handle. Whatever situation you have been through it was for a reason. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Think through things before you make a decision. Don’t do things just because you tryna get through someone or prove a point, do something because you want to, it’s for you not anyone else.

Your happiness comes first.

You deserve peace of mind.

Spoil yourself if you have to.

Get rid of that low self-esteem.

It’s the little things in life that matter the most.

Stay true to yourself.