He was the love of your life, He worshipped the floor you walked on, you were His only and main priority, you were the one to stand by His side when no one else would, you were the one to kiss His wounds and always share laughter and joy with Him…
Now, where is he? Where is the love you shared? What happened to the till death do us apart? What happened? You constantly questioning yourself for when he hurts you, you’re always apologizing knowing that you have done nothing wrong . You change your lifestyle to please him, you change your dress code so no other man will look at you, you start staying indoors because you are filled with scars and bruises. You scared to speak up , scared no one would believe you. You no longer socialize, you cannot eat because you’re face is full of bruises. “He loves me” you constantly say to yourself “Tomorrow, everything will be fine and back to normal again” no sweetheart he does not care anymore. He no longer loves you. Hurting someone you claim to love is not love, it is abuse
Reach out for help, don’t keep quiet anymore. Break the silence. Help someone else , by standing up against these bullies.
If you don’t stop it soon enough, you will end up in a body bags.