My face lit up with genuine pleasure whenever you enter the room looking like the living embodiment of my most heartfelt fantasy and greatest desire. The feeling so tight that our coiled sensation has become even more intense, oh, and deadly.

Remember our first night when we got intimate, the way you had me gasping for air. I felt heat sizzle through my insides like a flaming thunderbolt, scratch that, I’m here the whole time and that had me veered between worrying about the future and be flooded with joy that we trying to make it work and so far I can see we winning and I’m grateful for that.

Our first night when you held me once again and for a while responded with all the passionate intensity of the most ardent lover, that alone rekindled the need inside of me to be loved and desired by you. I knew right then with the most profound certainty that I would gladly lay down my life for you.

Now I’m home with the man I irrevocably knew I wanted and nothing beats the feeling. You make my stomach knot with almost unbearable tension and make me feel every nerve ending in my body tingle and buzz with shocking awareness. The chemistry between us is amazing. We make love and it’s like nothing I ever felt before.