It became our norm to be in deep debt by pretending to be Mr, miss or Mrs having all. We like to claim undeserving compliments, ignoring to be tripped by one stone.

Life is too short it would be a great achievement to put a reversed gear to all our living expenses that we had put ourselves through just to catch the public eye. Going for what we are qualifying for would mean freedom.

A life with a lot of unnecessary debt means oppression while one with less debt means freedom.

I am aware that there are compelling situations whereby one is forced to visit loansharks.

There are ways one can use to buy expensive stuff like laybuying else you can just pay a visit to your bank and ask for budget methods like opening a fixed account or stop order.

Most people are always complaining that they are less paid at their workplaces, on the other hand, you found them overspending. They would be drunk every time they got an opportunity, may every weekend.

I think reducing the rate of alcohol consumption may too once in two months and buying clothes in six months period could make a huge difference.

We could even go as far as changing our platonic friends cause other people are in debt due to sacking belonging. It’s better to step down than riding a speeding bus that makes you sit uncomfortable, instead of enjoying the ride you keep on holding tight on the chairs.

Life is too short let us use everything we have in a profitable way. Stop complaining just cut the expenses.