Before the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was free to do whatever they wanted to. People could go on outings whenever they wanted to. Most people in South Africa had jobs before the pandemic hit compared to after the pandemic hit. People were also free to go to a restaurant and eat at the restaurant if they wanted to.
People could travel to wherever they wanted to go and whenever they wanted to go. Also before the pandemic, not many were abused or abused as bad as after the pandemic hit, and there were not as many murders that were caused by abuse. Also, the number of deaths rapidly rose during the pandemic compared to before the pandemic.
Before the pandemic, there was no need to wear a face mask, when going out and people did not have to worry about getting sick when going out. Before the pandemic people did not have to stay at home as often as they have to stay at home now. People have to stay at home as much as they can so that they don’t get the virus.
Before the pandemic schooling was normal and learners did not have to have rotational learning, which was tough on many learners. Before the pandemic, everything was open to the public. Also, learners might have done online schooling which was not needed before the pandemic. Before the pandemic, people’s lives were great and there wear enough jobs for most people in South Africa.