The above title might ring a bell. A song by Bongo maffin? absolutely. I’ve always enjoyed it, but without relatable concessions as far as the song goes. However, this year alone, has proven to me how hard this life is. ” Ayikho into eyogqitha ikhaya lakho, xa uxakekile, unentlungu zakho, apho kukhona uthando, apho kukhona ukonwaba, apho kukhona izihlobo zakho.” depicts, no matter what hardships you endure, you’ll always have a home to go to. I am not sure if I advocate for that, because it’s as if one is running away from their problems, but behidden under the notion ” Home is where you get the strength to fight again”.

But what about those who don’t have that?

Adulthood requires you to face your problems head on, to teach you problem solving, accountability and resilience. I am 20 years old, moved to the mothercity(Cape town), to pursue my interests as a creative. It hasn’t been easy. However, in this 7/8 months i’ve been here, I have grown enormously in so many different ways. I’ve gained independence, survival kit and being there for myself. Especially that, my family is 2 hours away.

Not even a single time. I thought about going back home. Because what’s there for me there? I’ve grown to realize that life is hard on everyone. Hence , ” khula uzobona”. Qina, hang in there and trust the process. Ithemba(hope) is keeping me alive. I do suggest as well, people get out of their comfort zone to grow. I am not going to glamorize it, it is entirely hard. Most of the time – you’ll run out of money, groceries and basic needs. Grow up and you’ll see, khula uzobona.