On a dark rainy night thoughts tremendously pancing up and down in Thembeka’s mind with all her medicine books alongside her bedside scattered in an unclear pattern.As Thembeka thinks about how the test is going to be hard on her and if she really make it to her second year of medicine 😔 and if she is not going to disappoint her parents.She decides to switch off the lamp and to take a long nap on her queen size bed.The next morning she wakes up very early going to the campus not knowing what she is going to do but all she knows is that she’s needs to study. She drives to the campus with her latest Mercedes Benz wearing her expensive clothes and her frontal weave.She walks inside the campus with her books on her hand rushing to study she actually bumps in to someone and she drops her books their eyes lock and it becames what they call as love at first sight except she did not even see who it is then she tries to reach for the books but the gentleman takes them and puts them in a good order then he says,”ke nna Kamogelo” then Thembeka following him she tries to introduce herself but Kamogelo abruptly interrupts her and he say I know who you are Thembeka I mean you are the most popular girl in our group and in the whole campus Kamogelo says.You are in our group! Thembeka exclaims.Yes but you will not notice me because I am not like all those rich soccer jocks you would date.”Well but you are quite handsome”Thembeka says They both lock their eyes and they became shy. Why don’t we grab some breakfast so we get to know each other better Thembeka says.”Are you sure?”Kamogelo asks.Yes I am sure Thembeka replies.They grab breakfast they get to know each other better and Kamogelo helps Thembeka with studying for the test.The grow more fond of each other and they start to date but Thembeka realises that medicine is not for her and she pursues her photography career then Kamogelos bursary stops funding him then he was forced to return home Thembeka is sad but there was nothing she can do😔.
Five years later…
Kamogelo came back to Gauteng but Know he is just a waitor in a restaurant trying to make ends meet and Thembeka’s parents got her in an arranged marriage with the Minister’s son and she is the head of photography in one of the Minister’s companies.But Thembeka is not happy at all because the Minister’s son cheats on her and she has to bear with that because she does not want to be the reason to ruin her father’s business arrangements.One day Thembeka and her husband go to a gala dinner where the rich and famous gather.Then her husband starts to abuse her by making her a laughing stock in front of their friends and she gets angry and moves to the bar but the bartender says something “Thembeka!”he exclaims do I know you? Thembeka asks . Kamogelo tells her that he is Kamogelo then Thembeka remembers all their memories.Kamogelo tells her that life did not work out and he is trying to make ends meet because his busary stoped paying for him . Thembeka considers the idea of her long lost lover coming back so that she will have a break from this jerk.Then they exchange numbers.Thembeka went to her mother and tells her about this whole thing but her mother gives her a mouthful about how their alliance with the Minister’s family is going to benefit their families and their grandchildren so she can’t risk that because of a lousy waiter.Thembeka feels very sad but she had to console herself with the fact that love is not enough!!