A new day. New challenges.
She’s all on her own. It is all new to her. Living on a planet, unlike the one she has been used to. Never walked this road before.
She learnt self-discipline. Never had any standards but now she got some and won’t dare settle down for anything or anyone. That’s willpower right there.
The set of expectations is extremely high. Never waste any time. She always knew what she wanted in life.

“How will I ever get used to this?” she would always ask herself. Always doubted herself but now she believes in herself.

Beautifully she’s made. Sweet as honey. So full of love and new life. She’s free and satisfied. Never depends on anyone’s emotional support. Always learnt to do things on her own. It made her who she is today. Yet she’s thankful for those who kept praying for her and watched her grow from a distance. She’s stronger and gained so much wisdom.

Keeps the faith for she knows that she got her creator by her side.

If you don’t stand for anything, you will fall for everything.