His ego used to stop him from tapping her shoulder or grabbing her hand in a nick of time. He loved her the first time his eyes caught a glimpse of her. Her picture got pasted in his eyes and mind. The romantic love fairytale took place in his dreams. He loved her but his ego chained him from asking her out. He was Aric Boran after all, he couldn’t chase the girl who was eating the remainders of his food

They attended the same school yet that didn’t erase the cruel line of financial status between them. The difference that couldn’t be told by their intelligence at school was told by their uniforms. Aric wore a bright,clean and neat uniform whilst Alaska wore a pale grey skirt and a cream white t-shirt. Her uniform did not resemble the black skirt and white t-shirt of Brendavheni High school.

His dark chocolate skin would’ve striped perfectly with her creamy caramel skin. The evident was already bestowed in his dreams, he had seen it. They were such a beautiful couple and she also knew it because the love ghost was haunting her too. The handsome lad with masculine body was persistently visiting her dreams.

Aric was heading to the principal’s office to collect the handouts for his classmates. He was used to gently running up and down the staffroom and office since he was every teacher’s favourite. Alaska was behind his manly back, following his cologne that drew her closer and closer to him. He felt her, without seeing her, he knew that the polite footsteps following him were hers . He could smell her without cologne or perfume, he knew the smell of her natural spirit and soul, he had been following her since grade eight.

Its was now or never, if he didn’t make his move that day he was never going to make it, it was late already. He turned sweetly and came face to face with her. She was exactly what she was in his dreams, a caramel coated wafer with blue shy eyes. The moment their eyes locked she looked down. Aric’s ego took his opportunity.

“Why are following me? Do you love me? Tell me? I know you’re not in my level but I can give you a chance.” His ego said loudly that the sweet and begging words from his heart couldn’t be heard.

“Yes I’ve always loved you” her heart said but not loud enough to be heard. Her pride superseded all her organs and was incharge of taking decision. Not even her mind could disobey her pride, how could’ve she let her heart, the silly part of her body take such a huge decision.

” You must be crazy, why would I follow you? Just because you’re popular and wealthy? Unfortunately I’m not that type and I don’t love you let alone liking you.” Her pride responded through her mouth. After their longest conversation of schooldays she squeezed herself between the classwall and musculine arm of Aric.

Their youthful moment disappeared and both of them were left with cold moments and dreams. They were both regretting, one blaming his ego and one blaming her pride.